special ep x 02: Just Like High School

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Woah—how'd y'all get this fanfic to 20k reads??? Honestly I did not expect this to keep growing. Thank you guys so much for all the love <3 The amount of readers I've been getting everyday + those of y'all adding this story in your libraries has me shookt me to the core. Also y'all's comments are funny LOLLL, I can't 😭 OH, and don't think y'all are slick—hornknee mfs 👀 bahaha I'm jk ...

Anyways, enjoy this special :)

Another 2 years later...

"JENO!" Maisy screams as she barges into their room.

"What happened to hi? Hello? Maybe even a good morning?" Jeno says waking up, the blanket over him falling down to reveal his shirtless state.

Cheeks turning red as she tries to not stare too hard, Maisy replies "did you forget? It's our college graduation day. We're finally securing our bachelor degrees!"

"Oh right, that," which earned him a pillow to the face.

"Hey! The heck was that for?" Jeno exclaims, rubbing his head.

"Get up babe, we don't have all the time in the world," Maisy rolls her eyes.

"You know what we got time for though? A quickie," earning Jeno an almost hit to the face but he swiftly grabs Maisy's arms and pins her right underneath him.

Underneath Jeno, Maisy can definitely see and feel Jeno's hard on but conveyed her disbelief as she replied "Jeno, we were at it yesterday, how are you not tired?"

"I got a stamina of a bull babe. I can keep going all day."

"Well we won't be going at all if we don't get ready."

"Just a little bit honey, please? Do you want everyone staring at my bulge when I walk past them?" Jeno asks his beloved girlfriend.

"I'm about to tuck that shit in for you if you don't shut up."

"Oh babe, you know you're the only one I'll let touch my dick anytime, any day," and upon hearing that, Maisy finally shoved him off.

"Whatever. Just meet me in the shower in 5 minutes. Any later than that and you aren't getting the quickie you've been craving," Maisy smirks, slowly undressing as she leaves a trail of her garments leading into the bathroom.

"I am definitely loving the view from down here," Jeno tells her, earning him a hit to the face with her bra.

"Nervous babe?" Jeno asks Maisy as they pulled up into the parking lot of their graduation venue.

"Me? Never," his fiancée answers, even though he could see her leg visibly shaking.

"Either your leg is shaking from our shower session," Jeno smirked, "or you're nervous."

"Shut up," Maisy replied.

"You'll be fine Maisy, you always will. If you weren't so fine I wouldn't have made you mine."

"You're so cheesy that it's actually making nerves go down."

"Not the effect I was expecting but hey, I'll take it," Jeno shrugs.

"I just can't believe we're finally done though you know? I'm fulfilling my dreams of becoming a flight attendant and you can finally take over running your auntie's business," Maisy smiles.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to for years but I promised my auntie I would get my bachelor's degree before I can officially take over."

"I love you," Maisy says.

"I love you too, forever," Jeno leans over to kiss her on the lips.

"Maisy Jung. Bachelor's in Hospitality and Tourism," the graduation mc announces, their voice resonating through the speakers.

Sounds of applause came from the audience as well as a "THAT'S MY FIANCÉ!" from Jeno, which earned Maisy even more claps.

Soon after, Jeno's turn finally came.

"Jeno Lee. Bachelor's in Business and Management."

"THAT'S MY HANDSOME HUSBAND TO BE!" Maisy screamed alongside the applauses Jeno received as well.

After turning their tassels, everyone felt a weight lit off of all their shoulders as it hit them that they were finally, finally out.

In the midst of everyone cheering once again, Jeno sneakily gets his phone out and shoots Maisy a quick text saying "meet me on campus after."

Maisy was walking through the campus hallways, trying to look for her fiancé as she peeps within each lecture room. She was about to pass a seemingly locked room until someone snatches her and drags her in.

"HEY WHO THE FU—,"but her voice gets muffled as a hand clamps over her mouth shut.

"I knew you were loud because I've experienced it first hand in the bedroom, but damn girl must you be loud as hell outside too?" Jeno chuckles as he reveals himself to the girl.

Ripping off his hand over her mouth she responds, "Well sorry if I thought someone was about to kidnap me. I swear my life flashed right before my eyes," to which Jeno rolls his eyes at and mutters a "dramatic ass."

"Okay so why are we here?" the girl quirks an eyebrow at him.

"Doesn't this remind you of something?

"Like what? Dying?"

"No silly," Jeno laughs. "Like high school."

When Jeno mentions that, Maisy had a flashback of the time he snatched her into an empty classroom. And all the other sneaky times right after. But Maisy feigns innocence as she mutters, "Nope, doesn't ring a bell."

"Want me to remind you?" he smirks, challenging her stare.

"You're kidding," she deadpanned.

"When has location ever stopped us? Besides you look utterly resistible right now and I can't help myself," Jeno snakes an arm around her waist.

Maisy tries to fight off the blush that creeps up her cheeks. After all these years she still can't believe Jeno's compliments still affected her just the same.

"And you clean up well I must say," Maisy replies.

"Congratulations baby, I'm really truly proud of you," Jeno says with a look of pure adoration in his eyes as he inched closer to her.

"Congratulations to you too. I love you so much," Maisy closes in the gap between them, sealing it with a passionate kiss.

And maybe even future than that, hoping no passerby heard anything.

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