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Perspective of: Kaidan

I decided to go back into the Literature Hall and wait in the hall for Daya. I paced around the halls trying to figure out what to say, how to explain myself.

Seeing Daya walk back into the hall with Mr. Blackwell caused me to quickly hide in a storage room, opening the door just enough for me to see them. Mr. Blackwell seemed to no longer be bleeding from his nose and Daya had a sorrowful yet worried look written on her face.

After waving goodbye they seemed to both part ways, Daya heading my direction and Mr. Blackwell heading the other.

As she walked by, I reached out grabbing onto her bicep, pulling her into this dark and chilly room, closing the door right after. Suddenly, she began flinging her hands around desperately trying to hit anything.

I flicked on the lights, finally revealing who I was.
As she looked up at me her eyes darken and her tone deepened.

"What the fuck is your issue?" She tugged her hand away from me.

She looked so beautiful. Her annoyed expression mixed with the way my shirt barely covered her mid-thigh. The belt she tied around her waist making the shirt hug her perfect curves. A fucking masterpiece.

But I had something important to say. It's the whole reason why I came here.

"I know, I know. It's my fault. I let my anger take over me." I apologized, too ashamed to look at her.

"But I have something to say." I continued.

"Save it. Do you know how hard it was for me to convince Mr. Blackwell to not press charges?! To not tell the dean?!" She yelled getting angrier by the second.

"Listen-" I moved closer to her, about to try and calm her down.

"No. You listen," she pushed me away.
"I'm done playing this back and forth game with you. You obviously have issues to fix and I'm not here to fix them for you." She spat out.

Ouch. That was harsh. But I deserve it. So I stood quietly, taking whatever harsh words came from her mouth. There was no calming her down until she let all her anger out and I'm willing to be her punching bag.

She realizes that I won't reply and releases a quick scoff, telling me she's done speaking with me. As her hand reaches out for the door knob, she suddenly stopped and swung herself around.

"Oh and apparently you were with other girls while we had a thing, or whatever you want to call it, going on." Her dark eyes, finally softening.

"Was I really just a couple quick fucks? Just a game for you play?" Her eyes began to water.

"You were never a game." I thought to myself, resisting the urge to blurt it out. But did I really want to drag her into my issues. I had been hiding a huge secret from not only her but everyone around me. Maybe everything will be fine if we just hated each other again.

With no response coming from me, Daya took that as a yes to her questions, tears falling down her face.

"Fuck you." She landed a punch on my chest using the side of her fist.

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