Chapter 21|| Evicted?

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“Do you want to go back? Because you don’t have to, you know. We can tell them to bugger off and find someone else to take back.” Mum smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. I know she’s upset about me leaving again, but I really do want to go back.

“Nah, I’ll go back. But only for the sunny California landscape.” I grin and my mum chuckles. We’re looking at each other, grinning from ear to ear eating cookies when the door opens.

“Honey, I’m home!” My dad laughs at his own words as he walks into the kitchen and spots mum, kissing her on the cheek. My dad. My father. The one who is never home. He almost isn't apart of our family. I haven’t actually seen him since I’ve been home, and when he sees me his eyes light up.

“You’re home! God I’ve missed you Tessa.” He brings me into a tight hug, and I can smell the perfume on him. I force a smile and hug him back.

“I missed you too dad.”

“Don’t get too comfy you too. Tessa is going back on the show next week.” Mum reaches into the fridge to get some juice. My dad’s smile fades.

“No way are you going back there after what happened with that boy. I don’t trust him. Or that Mack fellow.” I roll my eyes.

“It’s Matt. And I’m fine, I can handle myself.” My dad shakes his head.

“It’s not just that Tessa. You left to go on the show being in a relationship. Then you go ahead and date another boy! I was appalled with your behaviour. I don’t think that you can be trusted.”

“That’s a bit hypocritical since you’re married to mum but you’re seeing another woman.” I snap back. Everything goes dead silent, the only noise coming from Buttons paws as he patters around the room. I hadn't been sure of it before, but the perfume smell on dad and mum's lack of defense for him has just confirmed my suspicions. 

"You have no right to accuse me of such things Tessa!" I roll my eyes, getting even more pissed off by the second.

"I love how you haven't actually denied it yet." I say, my tone calm. My dad looks like he's about to burst. 

"I don't need to, your mother knows the truth." He spits back. Mum looks down at her feet, she still hasn't yelled at me for getting cheeky with my dad. On cue, dad's phone on the bench vibrates, signalling a business call. He picks up his phone and looks at the caller ID.

"We'll finish this later." He grunts before leaving the room. I run upstairs, locking myself in my room, without giving mum a chance to say anything.


Tessa's POV

 I strum my guitar, not feeling in the mood to sing any particular song. I'm just waiting to go back to California. I've got 2 days until I go back, and I surprise everyone again when I walk in after this week's eviction. I'm itching to get back to the house. Not because of Matt. He's with Courtney now, she's got him in her clutches, it's too late... My heart sinks suddenly, leaving me frowning out the window. I sigh and try to think positively, of the things I'm going back for that I'll enjoy. Sam. The food. The challenges. Most of the people. 

"Tessie darling, can I come in?" My mum stands at the door, her arms awkwardly by her side. She's been quiet ever since the incident with dad. Although he hasn't been home since it happened, I've been avoiding leaving my room besides meal times. I feel sorry for Ruby, she doesn't know what is going on so all the awkward silences confuse her.

"Sure." I say, concentrating on playing "Pumped Up Kicks" on my guitar. Mum listens for the whole song before saying anything.

"You really do have a beautiful voice hunny, you're so very talented." Mum says lightly, a smile on her face. I stay still, waiting for her to speak again.

"Um, with your father the other day-"

"I know mum, I was rude. I'm sorry." Mum shakes her head and links her hands in her lap as she sits next to me on the bed.

"I know you were trying to help, but I need to do this on my own." She sighs.

"I know he is cheating. I've known for a while, but he is just home so little that I forget for a while. When he does come home, I always plan on confronting him, or kicking him out, but I can't afford to do that. I don't get paid enough and he earns most of our money. And since you weren't officially kicked off the show, we don't get any more money till you are off the show." She puts her hand on my shoulder when she sees my expression.

"We'll be fine. It's fine." 


Matt's POV

I roll over in my bed, almost forgetting there's another person in it. I stop moving before I roll onto Courtney, who's lying on her stomach, sleeping. This is the third night she's slept over, I should probably end this before she gets to attached. But hey, who am I to argue when a hot girl wants to sleep with me? If my dad or Walt knew about this...

"Why are you staring at me?" Courtney says in her sickly sweet voice, smiling up at me.

"I was just gonna wake you up actually. You should probably go before someone knows you're missing." Courtney's smile fades slightly.

"Oh. Right, okay. Well, um, I better go then." She gets up, picking up her clothes, which are scattered around the room. I lie back, admiring the view. After she puts all her clothes on, she sits back down next to me. 

"So, same time tonight?" I shake my head.

"I've got plans tonight." She nods slowly, frowning. 

"Are you ever gonna ask me on a date?" She says suddenly, surprising me. I try not to laugh.

"I didn't know we were dating." I say, running my hands through my hair.

"Well what's this then?" She gestures to us and the bed, her voice going up an octave. I shrug my shoulder and yawn.

"Casual sex?" I deadpan, making her jaw drop, but to my surprise she doesn't slap me.

"Matt, I know you liked Tessa, but she's gone. You have to get over her. I understand that this is your way of healing." She speaks to me in a condescending tone. I look at her, struggling not to laugh. I open my mouth to speak but she puts her finger over it.

"Shh. When you're ready for our relationship, just tell me okay? You're being a dick right now, but I'll overlook it this once." She kisses me quickly before getting up and leaving the room, blowing me a kiss as she closes the door quietly. I sit in shock for a few minutes before I shake my head to clear my thoughts and stand up to get dressed, when I stand on something.

"What the f-" I look down at what I just stood on, glancing down at the key lying at the foot of my bed. I pick it up, inspecting it. It's my music room key. I think of Tessa, of the times we shared in that room. I sigh loudly, throwing the key on my bed. I miss her. I've attempted to message her on Twitter a few times, but I chicken out each time. I think Courtney's ever-condescending lecture has some truth to it; I am trying to get over Tessa. I don't really want to, but I know she deserves so much better than me, I mean, I've been sleeping with Courtney, just after she left.

"I hate you Tess, stop changing me." I groan as I fall back onto my bed, burying my face into my pillow.

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