Izuku Constantine Midoriya: Origin

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"Useless Deku!!, you should just disappear already!!" The yell of a spikey haired blond was heard along with an explosion powered stone being hurled towards a greenette a speeds he couldn't keep up with.

"What a stupid nerd!!"

"Yea a dumb idiot!!"

The green haired child ran into the woods, away from his bullies, away from his troubles. All the boy wanted to do at the moment was dissapear, little did he know that want to disappear would be granted.

The sound of twigs and leaves snapping and crunching underneath the boys red sneakers would forever be engrained into his mind. The dead silence of the forest was calming keeping him focused on the sounds of the birds chirping and the ever distant screams of his pursuers.

Eventually the boy came upon a river, a vast and beautiful sight. The boy stared into the beautiful clear blue, a dirty reflection stared back. Unruly curly green hair, and bright green compassionate eyes swimming with youth, along with freckles on each cheek and a diamond formation.

But unfortunately the pretty babyface of the ten year old was ruined by the ash and cinder that roughly caressed his face. And despite the compassionate eyes there was a certain sadness behind them, a loneliness caused by abandonment. An emptiness, two holes in his heart that almost nothing could fill.

"ΉΣᄂᄂӨ ᄃΉIᄂD"

A voice spoke. The tone held a air of Wisdom and power. Like a wise old sage Izuku could feel the knowledge radiating from from the voice. But he did not know whether it came from the outside world or his head.

"W-whose t-there?"

Despite the comfort of the voice, the boy was still afraid of it. It's normal to be afraid of the unknown.


"I-izuku C-constaintine Midoriya, S-sir" The boy trembled in fear at the Nabu's silence.

"ᄃӨПƧƬΛIПƬIПΣ YӨЦ ƧΛY?"  Nabu wished to no more about the boy, if what he was thinking was true, no longer would he have to wait for the perfect vessel.

"Y-yes sir, I get the name from m-my great grandpa, John Constantine."


The Viridian eyed boy felt like he was being gazed upon by judging eyes. But who was he to deny a question so politely asked. He started explaining a little about himself, his homelife, his mom, even Kacchan's bullying. Call him crazy but he felt as if he could trust the disembodied voice in the woods.

He was so caught up in his own venting he didn't notice the lowering of the sun behind the trees.

"Oh no!!, it's getting late mom must be worried!!" The nervousness was heard in his voice has he prepared to leave but was stopped by Nabu.


"Of course!! More than anything in the world!!" The boy beamed once more at the thought of saving lives, he pumped his fist up in the air to symbolize his his want.


"Y-yea, of course, saving people is the coolest thing anybody could do in my opinion" As fear started creeping in Izuku felt the judging gaze turn to one of satisfaction and deviance. Izuku's flight or fight response was active, and it was begging him to take a flight out of the country.

"G Ө Ө D"

Full a fear and nervousness, Izuku turned around ready to make a mad dash out of the forest, but unfortunately Fate had other plans.

A golden helmet latched itself onto his face. A blinding bright golden light shined throught the forest, blinding the few who dared to look at it and sending animals running and flying away to their respective shelters.

Izuku Midoriya didn't return home that night, or the night after, or the next. And soon the cries of Inko Midoriya became a regular thing to hear at night, they all pitied the poor woman whose son disappeared from the face of the earth.

Katsuki wasn't much better. They all blamed him for izuku's disappearance, and in his eyes they were right. He was the betrayer, the metaphorical Judas, how was he supposed to be the next No.1 Hero if all he did was hurt people. Pent up sadness converted into pure rage, that he always ended up taking out on himself.

Somehow in his eyes everything was his fault, and always will be. So he put up a facade, one of arrogance and pride, and over the years he became a someone to be feared throughout all of his school days. Soon it became somewhat of a routine for him, put the arrogant in their place and help the weak become strong.

And he hoped to god he'd see Izuku again someday, because he had alot of apologizing to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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