I smirked and pinched her cheeks. "Oh yeah? Does Jamie have a crush yet?" I asked, teasing her. She blushed and hit my arm.

Emma laughed. "Congrats big bro. Can't wait to meet Elsa, I've seen all her movies." She said and I nodded.

"You probably will sometime soon." I replied and my dad cleared his throat.

"Jack, do you mind if you, your mother, and I talk in private?" He asked.

"Um sure. Emma, Jamie, go head upstairs to your rooms." I said and they nodded before taking off.

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked and we sat down at the table.

"Mr. Summers told us about what he told you to do with that girl..." Mom trailed off.

"Oh, that? It's nothing really..." I trailed off while rubbing my neck.

"It actually isn't. I'm happy that you and Elsa are finally together, but doing this to her and the other girl, doesn't seem right." Dad said and crossed his arms.

"The other girl is already in on it. I'm pretty sure she asked him to do this. We're both being paid to do all of this stuff, but I know there's more to it than that. I'm only doing this for the sake of my career, especially since I'm starring in one of their movies. It's for the best. Trust me, if I was able to do decline whatever Mr. Summers tells me to do, I would. But I can't." I said.

Mom sighed.

"Alright." Dad said.

"I'm in love with Elsa. I've always been this way. I asked her to move in with me, so she said yes. I'll be living in my house in LA, but I'll come here often to check on Emma and Jamie. Or y'know, Skype them or something." I said and mom grinned.

"That sounds great. Go ahead and get what you need, just know what to do when the time comes." Dad said seriously, looking me into the eye.

I nodded. "I'll try."

I went upstairs and walked into my room. I took out my phone and tapped on Elsa's name on my contacts list. I decided to text her.

Me: hey :) whatcha doing?

She took a few minutes to reply.

Elsa: packing my clothes and stuff for the move in 😌

Me: sounds good, haha. I'll come over and pick you up soon, maybe in 2 days? Is that enough time or do you want to stay at home a little bit longer?

Elsa: that sounds great. I can't wait to see what your house looks like. Or should I call it, mansion? Ha.

Me: nah, just call it house haha. I can't wait either. I have a feeling you'll love it there.

Elsa: yay! I'm honestly sooo tired, so I'm gonna try to do a little more packing then go to sleep. okay?

Me: okay. No problem. Try and text me in the morning, love. Good night, love you so much~

Elsa: love you too! Get some rest too, don't want you to be tired tomorrow. Love you again! Ha!

Me: sleep tight my little flower 💕

Elsa: ❤️

I didn't reply, and she didn't text anything after, so I put my phone on my counter. I got the clothes in my closet, and left some just in case.

For y'know, sleepovers?

Soon after that, I found myself falling asleep on my bed, clutching my blue hoodie that Elsa always wore back at the Caribbean.

Maybe things won't turn out so bad after all.


Blech, this chapter isn't my best. Idk guys, the last few days I've been a little bit off... And yeah I didn't check for errors so sorry if I messed up a few words.

Guysssss! I watched Cinderella and saw Frozen Fever! I was literally the loudest person in the theater during Frozen Fever, my mom was so angry at me XD

And yes, I made an Instagram account. It's called dorky_disney if you wanna go follow it. (You definitely should :D)

And for those of you on ifunny that are subbed to me (Alice), yes I have decided to leave. No one was talking to me anymore, and a whole buncha shit is going on irl so I can't really find the time to go on ifunny anymore, ha.

I've been working on some new Jelsa books, and yes I've decided to make a BH6 book. But only on one person. And I'm either thinking Tadashi or Hiro. It would be a TadashixReader book or HiroxReader book.

Meaning that the girl/boy that either of them fall in love with or whatever is you. Yeah :)

So choose, Tadashi or Hiro?

And since I've decided to quit ifunny, I can FINALLY focus on just wattpad. So that means I can update more. And be on more.

I'll try and update soon! I love you guys!


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