" Nandini, you want Nandini but before that you need a walk alone " Cabir said

" Thanks for you unwanted Advice" I rolled my eyes

" Anytime, and before going all I want you to remember is that she is pregnant, she might be talking nonsense one second, crying the next and being a total mature the other second, but remember its not her, its her hormones talking " Cabir said seriously

" You know very much about Pregnancy hormones " I stated sarcastically

" Thanks to Navya, who used to irritate me so much. Also, Manik it wasn't a wise decision to shout at her infront of everyone. Your intentions were not wrong but your way to tell that was!" Cabir stated

I think you're very strict towards her diet. Don't do that, let her have all the Delicacies she like. Come-on Man, Free her sometime from your Over protectiveness " he continued

" Fine, now go. Otherwise your new boyfriend will break up with you " I said

" Oh shit, I forgot. He will kill me now. Ok bye " he said leaving in a hurry

I closed my eyes for a second and then leave for a walk


I walked as suggested by Cabir, and it really helped me to think clearly

Now that I'm thinking I've realised how much impulsive I was, I hurt her badly

Since she is Pregnant, she haven't had anything unhealthy except for a few times. All these times I only proposed that she can eat this in return of eating something healthy.

Even whenever she wake me in the night, she have never eaten anything except for two times because by the time I gets back, she used to be slept already.

It wasn't actually her fault, I was the one who promised and broke it.

I fucked up, big time!

Deciding I have to do something, I went back to home

Not finding Nandini anywhere, I was about to call her when the house helper came and said " Ma'am went to her Chahcha's( Uncle) home to see her brother. She told to me inform you"

" Wh-what when? " I asked shocked

" An hour back " the helper said

" Oh, did-did she tell anything when is she coming? " I asked a little slowly

The house helper whose name I think was Disha looked at me accusingly, I raised my eyebrows to her which make her avert her gaze and said "she'll be back by tomorrow, Sir "

" Ok, you can go" I dismissed her

" Uhh Sir, should we set the table for your meal, Ma'am asked us to do so " Disha said

" No, not now. Umm did she ate anything before going? " I asked looking away

" Yes Sir, Ma'am had her juice and fruit salad " she informed me

" Oh ok, you can go " I dismissed her and she left not before glaring me

I tried to call Nandini but her phone was switched off, the guilt was killing me. for once I thought to visit her but drop the idea thinking she might need some time alone.

So, I called my all time favourite Chachi (Aunty ), she picked my call at the third ring

" Oh my handsome child, how are you" the evergreen cheerful voice of Chachi filled my ears

" I-I'm fine, how are you? " I asked

" Oh please, I know you didn't call to ask or talk about me " she said teasing me

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