Finding him

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Few minutes later
Zhan walked to a house. He knocked at the door and a boy opened the door.

"Is this Shiki's house...."asked Zhan.

"Yes...I am Shiki....what happened...."asked the boy.

"I am from police department....can I talk with you for a moment...."said Zhan and the boy gulped nervously.

"What happened sir..."asked Shiki.

"3years were about to become a witness in a case....why did you denied it later...."asked Zhan.

"I...i.... don't know.... anything....what are you speaking..."said the boy stuttering.

"See...Shiki....If you will not say anything....then I have to use my power on you.... don't be scared....i will not harm you and neither your family...."said Zhan.

" that time.....a man came to me.... and said.... if I told anything....they will expel my father out of his company and will kill him in front of everyone....i was very I decided to keep my mouth shut...."said Shiki.

"Do you know who the man was..."asked Zhan.

"I don't know....but the man was from the company my father works in and he used to come with Officer Yizhou...."said Shiki.

"That means officer Yizhou know about all this..."asked Zhan.

"Yes...he did...."said Shiki.

"Okay Shiki.... don't worry....i will not tell anyone about can rest assured...and you also don't tell anyone about my arrival...."said Zhan and Shiki nodded his head.

Zhan went back to Yuri's home.

" you have your daughter's medical reports of that time..."asked Zhan.

"Yeah...we have...."said Yuri's mother.

"Please mam...will you give them to me...."said Zhan and the women went inside and came out with a file.

"Thank you so much mam.... for helping....and please make sure no one knows about my arrival...."said Zhan and walked away from there.

Zhan went back to his home.
Sebastian and Yibo were sitting on the sofa while talking.

" are back...."said Yibo as his eyes fell on Zhan.

"Yes Yibo...."said Zhan and walked towards them.

"Have you completed your work..."asked Yibo.

"Yes...."said Zhan.

"Then let's go ge....i have made the dinner.... let's eat first..."said Sebastian.

"Okay...."said Zhan and they all went to eat their dinner.

"I hope you didn't teased Yibo today Yanyu..."said Zhan.

"What are you talking about....I never even tease him ge..."said Sebastian.

"Yes yes...i saw the effects last night..."said Zhan with a chukle and Yibo kicked on Zhan's legs under the table.

"Yes ge.... talking about last hard do you go on brother in law.... poor him...he was limping around the should learn something from Alex....he is so good at it...."said Sebastian and Yibo turned red from embarrassment.

"Yeah...i know your boyfriend is good at everything...but can't you shut your mouth atleast while eating..."said Zhan annoyedly.

""said Sebastian while laughing.

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