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July 28
6:24 pm

"Grandma you need help with anything else?" Maya asked my mom and she shook her head

"No. You can go ahead and play"

Maya wasted no time leaving out of the kitchen, shooting past Autumn who just came home from work

"Sorry momma" she apologized and autumn shook her head

"How was work?" My momma asked and autumn sat at the table

"I'm so tired" autumn answered then looked over at me "what brought you over here"

"She claim she came to see us. I'm just waiting on her to pop out with some kinda announcement cause she been hiding out for a while" momma responded to autumn as she wiped her hands and I kissed my teeth

"I was not hiding out. I just been occupied"

"Doing what?"

"Dre" autumn silently mouthed out and I stuck my finger up at her

"Cause everytime one of my kids disappear they pop back up pregnant"

Autumn cut her eyes in momma's direction

"Oh don't try to play me"

"You did a good enough job playing yourself babygirl" she replied to autumn before looking at me again "so what is it? Or should I ask who is it?"

I rubbed my lips together as Autumn stood up

"Let me go see what my kids doing since I ain seen them all day" she said before walking out of the kitchen leaving just the two of us

"Please tell me you not pregnant Analise" she rose her eyebrow and I shook my head letting out a laugh

"No. I'm not pregnant.. but there is this person I've been dating"

She leaned back against the counter, still looking at me

"I'm listening"

"He's a good guy I promise ma. He makes his own money, he has his own stuff, he treats me amazing and I really am happy"

"Analise you're 22 years old. You work, pay your own bills and got your own house and car. I can't tell you not to date"

"I know. But I know how iffy you are when it comes to us dating"

"Analise.. did you ran away twice and came back home both times pregnant. And still managed to get pregnant a third time after running off on the first two you already don't take care of?"


"Is he living with you with no job and you out here working taking care of the both of y'all?"


"Is he supportive of you being in school?"


"Is he encouraging you to do ANYTHING that'll jeopardize your future?"


"If you were to fall short on anything so you have enough confidence that he'll help you pick up where you lacking?"

"He did before"

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