Bon Jovi Extravaganza

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August 12th 1989 / Moscow Peace Festival 

Chrissie's POV

I'm sitting just backstage watching for the guys coming off the stage. It was such a great first show here in Moscow and for such an amazing cause. Bon Jovi have organised most of this event themselves with a little bit of help from the other bands.

I bite my lip and clap my hands when I see them bounding off the stage. I'm just about to open my mouth to congratulate them when Richie cuts me off with a warning glare "Don't even bother honey". I ruffle my brows together and look at David who gives me the same look "Please... don't say nothin". I huff out a sigh and twist my face, wondering what on earth is wrong with them. "Jon... That was such a great show" He twists his face at me with such distaste "Where the hell were you lookin?". They all storm off to their dressing room to get changed, leaving me to wonder what is wrong with them. From where I was standing it was an amazing show from start to finish but for some reason, they don't seem to think so. 

A little while later, we're back at the hotel, finally giving me a moment alone with Jon before the guys come in for drinks. "Babe.... can you tell me what happened with the show tonight?" He elicits a deep sigh, balling up chunks of his hair "It was just bad from start to finish... they didn't seem to like us or the songs... didn't join in... none of our usual tricks were working... I even made that fucking speech and nothing...worked!!". My heart aches for him so much, seeing him so frustrated and upset isn't something I like seeing. I sit down next to him and caress circles in his back "Jon... it wasn't your performance that was the problem". He lifts his head to look at me, his face filled with confusion "What now?". "This is your first time playing here.... these people have never heard of you.... never heard your music... never seen your music videos... never seen you perform live... so you blazing onto the stage doing your usual set up... is not going to work here.... you need to win them over..... you said it yourself... you know how to seduce an audience... so do it" He sighs with frustration and balls his hair up again "How the hell am I gonna win em over in one night". An image of Jon strip teasing on the stage flashes through my mind, turning me into a blushing, giggling mess. "What's so funny?" I come to a gasping halt, trying to regain my focus "You could always strip tease for em". "Yeah... that's it... I'll walk right down the middle and strip" He snaps his fingers while he thinks through his thoughts "But it's gotta be good!". 

A while later and we're a few drinks in and I'm already feeling the effects of the beer whereas the others don't look any worse for wear. "Jonny... you would look.... soooo hot... in uniform... mmmmph" He snickers at my drunken state and hooks the hair over my shoulder, out of my face "what kinda uniform?". "Army uniform.... oh god yeah... such a turn on" My eyes roll back with a deep throaty groan, much to his delight "You think so? Green? Really?". "Jon you look hot in anything... it's so annoying... you just---" I break off into a loud gasp when an idea pops into my head "what's wrong?". I push my finger right into his cheek and push my nose right into his "You go blazing in... with uniform on... people are gonna listen to your sexy ass sing". "What the hell is she talking about?" Richie shouts over to Jon who simply shrugs his shoulders, clearly not understanding "Not a clue". I pull away and jump off the bed, slapping on the radio "You boys wanna dance?". They all abruptly shake their heads at me, thinking I'm asking them to dance "No assholes.... I'm askin... if you... want me to... dance... for you". They all swiftly nod their heads and start giggling like a bunch of teenage boys. "I need to get into character.... wait a minute" I grab a pile of things and run into the bathroom.

Once In the bathroom I realise I've grabbed Jon's long patchy stage jacket and hat along with my black satin lingerie. I quickly slide the satin lingerie on which consists of a bra, panties, stockings and a suspender belt. I place the hat on top of my curly locks and pull the jacket over my shoulders before swinging the door open when Dude looks like a lady by Aerosmith starts playing.

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