Through Memory Lane

Start from the beginning

"He never said anything" Scott and Lydia say at the same time

"Wow, you guys are terrible friends then if you didn't realize what he was going through" Coach speaks for the first time since it began. The pack all look at Stiles with worry in their eyes

"What is a nogitsune?" Someone in the class asks

"It's a thousand-year fox spirit that possessed Stiles for a while" Kira was the one to answer

"Okay I am just going to say it but he looks hot" Ethan says only to get slapped in the back of the head by Jackson

"But you are not wrong" A random girl in class states, just as Stiles starts to move in this sleep

Lydia and Malia were both red as tomatoes and didn't know what to say. The whole class looked at both Lydia and Malia but the rest of the pack well those who knew Cora were thinking back to when she was around.

"Who is the other girl?" Jackson asks what everyone else is questioning

"That is Cora, she is Maila's cousin" Scott answers looking at Malia

"She is my what?" She yells out

"She is Derek's younger sister, we met her before you" Isaac answers "And apparently Stiles has a thing for cousins" Isaac whispers to himself but the Scott and Liam heard him and chuckle, Malia looked like she was processing the new information

"Aubrey" was all that came out of Stiles's mouth and everyone was confused

"Who is she?" Lydia asks looking mad and it terrified everyone in the room even Coach

"Maybe she the Aubrey chick that Stiles said" Kira answers being care

"I don't think that we should of watched him with her" Scott says out loud getting nods in agreement

"Why did he say his name is Dave?" Liam asks

"I don't know but he kinda still acts like himself" Isaac responds

Through Memory Lane {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now