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Nova's POV


I slammed my hand down on the clock beside my bed. I don't remember setting that so someone else must have. That's really fucking  annoying just let me sleep.

Looking at the clock on my bedside it's 7:45 so I could still go to his breakfast, but I had no intention of doing so. Today is the day I figure this place out. I mean it is extremely big with guards and other people I don't know, so I have to scope it out.

I decided to put on something simple, a crop top and some shorts will do right, why not be comfortable for the day.
A/N(imagine how you please I was very conflicted on what outside so you all choose for yourselves)

After getting dressed and pulling my hair into a high ponytail I decided to go ahead and explore. I mean this place is amazing, but there are guards everywhere. I tried going outside to look and they would not budge they just stared ahead and didn't move out the way.

I turned around and decided to just go down one floor and check that out. There are random men everywhere which was kind of scary, I won't lie. I'm walking down the hall and all of the doors are normal, except for one, it's black, and well that one intrigues me. I decided to go inside to check it out, and boy let me tell you I regretted that immediately. As soon as I open the door the smell of weed hits me, all I see is a bunch of men, guns, and what's looks like...METH? I can't help but stand there shocked.

I can't embarrass myself so I pull myself together "hello boys, I didn't mean to interrupt your..fun..so I'll be heading out." But before I can get out the door a far too familiar hand pulls me back to his chest, his hot breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Now tell me Bambina, what are you doing down here?" He whispered huskily in my ear. Why is he doing this in front of everyone?

"I-I was j-just trying to f-find the kitchen you said to go to for breakfast." FUCK NOVA STOP STUTTERING! Well maybe if this extremely hot god wasn't so close to me I wouldn't be stuttering. I mean it was a good excuse, although I had no intentions of going so I decided to use it, I wanted to explore.

He sends all the men out the room before speaking again "You see, you have to get better at lying.

"What I'm not lying," I involuntary bit my lip. "Nova, you bite your lip when you lie." I realized what I was doing and let it go. "No, it's just a habit"

"I don't like liars Bambina, so I suggest you tell me the fucking truth, or things won't end well for you" he growled.

I'm tired of his bullshit so I'm gonna stick my ground "okay Dante you want me to be honest? I'll be honest, I don't want to be here, I don't fucking like you, and I never will. So let me get this in your thick fucking skull, I'm not marrying you. I couldn't give two fucks about what my father said. You can fucking kill me before I marry you." and the next thing u knew I was up against the wall. Ugh, what is it with him and pinning me against walls?

"See the thing is principessa, you don't have a fucking choice. You can disobey your father, I don't give a fuck, but you won't disobey me. I don't fucking like you either, so if that's the case we can hate each other. The only reason I'm marrying you is strictly for business. So let me get this through your thick skull, you will marry me. You can hate me and that's fine. We can stay away from each other. Just don't make this harder than it has to he, understood?"

I fucking hate this man. "Understood"

"Good, now next time before you walk into a door, knock."

"Okay, but why are you selling drugs in your house?" I said curiously, like seriously why? "Well Principessa this isn't exactly my house, it's the warehouse for the mafia, don't get me wrong I have a house I just don't stay in it a lot. Since you can't mind your own business would you like to stay at the house?"

"Hell fucking yes, then I won't be around so many strangers," I said with a slight smile. Don't let your guard down Nova, he's a bad man, he'll hurt you.

"Okay then let's get going now, I'll have my men bring your stuff to the house. Follow me."

This man walks way too fucking fast. Well I mean he's like 6'5 and I'm only 5'5 so his legs are a lot longer than mine. The way he walks like he owns the place like he would fuck up anyone that gets in his way is so hot. SNAP OUT OF IT NOVA! God stop being so horny! Eventually, we get outside the warehouse and hope into hid black corvette, and let me tell you if this corvette was a person I'd marry it, dead ass.

This is probably the most boring car ride. He sits there, no music nothing, and drives. He looks straightforward, blank-faced not paying attention to anyone. I take this as a chance to admire his features. The veins on his hands that run up his arms. The rings on his fingers, and man that is hot. The way he keeps one hand on the gear and one on the wheel, when he turns the wheel with his hand and the muscles on his arms flex. I won't lie this man is extremely attractive.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He said with a smirk, not even looking at me.

"Oh wow, so fucking original" I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me principessa" So me being me, I did it again. "Oh, you're gonna regret that later on." Yea yea sure, he's just talking shit...hopefully.

Finally, we pull up to a big set of gates and he types in some code I didn't get the chance to see. Man let me tell you this house is nice, no it's fucking beautiful.

 Man let me tell you this house is nice, no it's fucking beautiful

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(the house)

"Woah" that was all I could say, fucking Woah.

"Yes I know, I'm rich, what did you expect?" he said raising an eyebrow. "Yea yea whatever, you have a nice house. Now keys go explore" I said unbuckling my seat belt.

"Ah ah, not so fast, I'll show you around."

"Don't you have placed to be? Like work or something since your the boss and all?" I said. "That's the thing principessa, I'm the boss so I do what I want. Plus I'm staying with you, I can't leave you here all alone, you might try to escape," he said smirking. "But hey, let's go explore shall we?"

Fuck...this is gonna be harder than I thought...

HEYYYYYYY sorry this chapter is kinda late... I'm gonna be just the but ill double update Friday!!

I love you all<33

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