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                            Nova's POV

What the fuck...that was my first thought. My head is POUNDING. I go to rub my temples but notice my hands are tied behind my back, with my ankles tied together. "Hello," silence, absolutely nothing. It's dark, where the fuck am I?

Suddenly a deep voice filled the room "Ah, she has awakened" I noticed a shadow approaching me. "Who are you and what the hell do you want from me," I said trying to hide the fear in my voice. "Now now darling, no need to be rude. I'm sure boss wouldn't mind me figuring out just how much of a slut you are, hm" he said huskily. His face close to mine.

I gagged smelling his breath, cigarettes, I've always hated the smell because of my father. I was ready to respond to his comment but someone else beat me to it, "THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? I TOLD YOU TO GET HER HERE UNHARMED AND YOU CAN'T DO ONE SINGLE JOB?! IF I FIND EVEN ONE SCRATCH ON HER YOU ARE A DEAD MAN FUCKING WALKING! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT!" his voice boomed, I was pretty sure he just woke the whole fucking city of New York.

He turned his head to me. We locked eyes, staring at each other for what seemed like centuries. "I'm sorry Bambina, did they hurt you?" I couldn't even think straight. Dante, the world's hottest, godly man is sitting in front of me, asking if I'm okay...after he basically bought me from my father to pay his debts...anyone else extremely lost?

"Bambina are you okay? You blacked out," he said eyes filled with a look of concern, yet he still holds a serious, stone-cold face. "Yes, Dante I'm fine. Would you care to explain what you want from me?" I said as calmly as possible.

"Let me get you cleaned up. We can discuss this at dinner," he said before getting up and walking to the door. Dante called a number and all I heard was him say "Someone get our guest a room and make sure it's nice. Dress her well for supper."

Minutes later two maids walk into the room. One with brown hair the other with red hair. The red-haired girl decided to speak "Hello miss, my name is Raven. Master told us to show you to your room and make you look nice for supper." she explained as she untied my wrist and ankles.

"First call me Nova, and second that sounds lovely, after you," I said trying my best to be polite, these girls seemed nice and I didn't want them to hate me for the short amount of time I would be here, because I sure as hell don't plan on staying with this man.

Walking down the hallway I can't help but think this man has to be rich. I've only seen the basement, only because he LOCKED me down there. I also saw a big black door with a special lock that looked like a...thumb pad? What is this man hiding? My thoughts were interrupted by the red-haired girl named Raven said we made it to my room, she said something about this not being my permanent room which was weird, I'm kind of sad it was nice, better than the floor as home. That's enough looking, I have to get ready!

After about 4 hours of trying to find the right dress, and my refusing to wear half of them, we finally found one. It was perfect for me, I've always loved the color red. It showed some cleavage, along with it being short and fitting, showing all my curves. It wasn't too formal because it would be just Dante and I eating, but it wasn't too casual either. I loved it.

(her dress)

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(her dress)

My hair was probably one of the harder parts of preparing myself for dinner. I have long dark brown almost black hair with brown highlights so instead of leaving it boring and straight I decided to curl it

 I have long dark brown almost black hair with brown highlights so instead of leaving it boring and straight I decided to curl it

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(her hair)

I never really wore makeup so I settled on a little mascara and clear lip gloss. Simple I know but I didn't want to be anything other than myself, I didn't want to make it seem like I changed myself for him so if I didn't wear makeup before, why wear it now?

"Miss we are ready to show you to the dining area whenever you are ready," the brown-haired maid said. I'll have to ask her name.

"You can call me Nova but before we go, may I ask what your name is," I asked the brown-haired girl.

"oh it's fine Mi-" I arched an eyebrow at her. She looked down trying to hide the small blush creeping up onto her cheeks. "I'm sorry it's fine Nova, my name is Gabriella but you can call me gabby!" she said with a smile.

"Okay gabby, you lead the way!" I smiled at her. "Follow me," she said walking through the door.

And 5 minutes later we entered what looked like the dining room. Wow... that was all I could think. There was so much food, I hope he doesn't think I could eat all of this.

"You may sit there, Master should be down in a minute." she smiled before walking off.

About 2 minutes later a very handsome Dante walked into the room. Don't get me wrong I hate the man but he was a fucking God, I would never tell him that tho. I don't want to boost his ego more than I'm sure it already is. After a few long strides, Dante is approaching the table.

"Hello Bambina, you look absolutely stunning," he said letting a small smirk appear on his lips. "Thank you, Dante, you look well yourself, But if you don't mind, I'd like to know why I'm here and what you want from me"

"Ah, so impatient. Since you asked ever so nicely...I suppose we could get to the good details" he said lacing it with his thick Italian accent. He smirked at me, eyeing me up and down before sitting up straight. "Okay, where shall we start hm?"


I'm so so sorry if it's a little boring right now hit bare with me I have to build the plot first! It gets better and better with every chapter I promise, but as of right now what are your thoughts?!

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