Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

“But what if I want to take some pictures?”

My mother’s nagging to get her phone back was really starting to get old.

“There are disposable cameras on every table,” I answered. I’d predicted most of her arguments, because forewarned is forearmed. And no, it wasn’t easy to come up with that many disposable cameras in the digital age.

“What about the hen night tonight?”

“I’ll get you one you can use tonight.”

“But you’ll be getting them developed, so how will I get my photos back?”

“I’ll think of something, Mum. Not please, it’s the eve of my wedding, stop nagging.”

Hannah suddenly pulled the car over.

“Why are we stopping?” I asked, praying the car hadn’t broken down or something.

“Because Mum doesn’t have a dress for tomorrow so she and I are going to go shopping for one, then probably grab a very late lunch at somewhere ridiculously expensive, and you and Brian are going to catch a cab to the venue.”

I don’t think I have ever loved my sister more than I did at that moment. I leaned over and hugged her.

“Thank you so much,” I whispered.

“My pleasure. And don’t worry, I’ll keep a close eye on her.”

Brian and I got out of the car and Mum moved into the front passenger seat that I had vacated.

“Up for a walk?” I asked Brian. “I can call a cab but there’s a taxi rank just down there.” I pointed.

“Let’s walk,” he said.

Brian was quite a quiet, placid man, I supposed he had to be to put up with my mum.

“I take it your dad isn’t invited,” he said as we walked.

“No. I haven’t spoken to him since last year.”

“I thought he tried to sue you for libel earlier this year?”

“Slander, and he tried, but the case was thrown out because we had proof that he had received payment from TMZ. We never even had to go to court. Tom’s people handled everything.”

“Must be hard, marrying someone like Tom.”

“In many ways,” I agreed. “On the other hand, I know for certain that he’s the one, because I’ve never met another man I’d put up with this crap for.” I smiled to show I was at least half teasing.

“I’m sorry about your Mum.”

“Not your fault,” I assured him. “She was like this long before you showed up.”


Tom was already at the venue and once I’d shown Brian to their room (even though his luggage was in Hannah’s car) I sought Tom out and eagerly fell into his embrace.

“Rough morning?” he asked, pressing a kiss on my hair.

“I’m seriously considering matricide.”

“That’s a little extreme. I was rather hoping to live with you after we’re married, and prison might put a dampener on those plans.”

“We could honeymoon in a country with no extradition treaty, like the Ukraine, and just stay there forever.”

“I hear Ukrainian cinema is really doing great things,” he teased me.

“Okay, no murder.” I laughed.

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