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"Seriously Stiles can you just give up already, he would have just trained a lot okay" she told Stiles and glared at him and mouthed, he isn't one, angrily to the boy, but still he ignored her

"I just want to know how he got this good at the game" Stiles continued and the girl threw her hands up in annoyance, "have you always been this good or did it suddenly happen just once over night?"

Scott and Adira were now giving Stiles their full attention, he was going way to far and was about to give their whole secret away, "have you ever been out in the middle of the woods during the night of a full m-"

"Stiles!" Scott and Adira exclaimed, making the boy finally stop talking and he nodded his head softly, understanding that he was going to far

"Look I learnt from my stepfather alright? He made team captain when he was a sophomore, like you!" Liam said and gave a small smile to Scott which Scott returned, but then the freshmen turned to Stiles with a patronizing grin on his face, "And yeah... I guess that I'm just that good" Liam said and grabbed his stuff and threw his bag over his shoulder, walking away from them

Scott and Adira were wearing matching smirks while Stiles just had a look of pure disbelief on his face.

"well he wasn't lying that time" Scott and Adira both said at the same time, both of them earning a glare from Stiles.


It was the end of the school day and the second lot of tryouts, the ones that actually counted, were about to begin and they were all getting ready. "It was our actual first kiss since our first kiss" Scott told her and Stiles after telling them about what had happened between him and Kira.

"Good job Scotty, you finally got some balls, right Stiles?" Adira said with a grin, patting her friend on the back in congratulations

"Yeah it is good. you kissed her." Stiles told Scott

"I did... but I didn't" Scott said. Stiles and Adira gave each other a look before looking back at Scott

"What the hell do you mean, ' I did but I didnt' did you kiss the girl or not McCall? Was it on the lips?" she asked him in confusion

"yeah" Scott answered

"was there tongue?" Stiles added

"no. I... It was like how you kiss your grandmother when you're five" Scott whined and Adira only grinned wider

"Sexy, great decision McCall" the girl told him sarcastically

"chaste, you gave her a chaste kiss" Stiles said, clearly disappointed for his friend, but also finding the situation humourous at the same time

"yeah and now it is all weird, its all.. completely weird and I..." the boy stuttered as he tried to say what was on his mind, "I don't know what the hell to do" he stammered out as he looked to his best friends for advice and guidance

"You guys really worry me sometimes," Adira said with a sigh

"maybe I should just text her" Scott said

"NO!" Stiles quickly told him as if it were the worst idea in the whole world, "just no with the texts" Stiles explained and then he was cut off by the sound of a whistle blowing, they turned around to see the coach walking towards them all

"as a reminder, it is an open tryout today, all positions are available" Coach called out to them all, giving Scott and Adira a look before scanning his eyes across the whole room, "this is a rebuilding season people! jackson is gone... Lahey is gone... greenberg, the one guy I actually wanted gone... was held back... again. Get your asses on the field!"

Always, Forever - Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now