We're in the movie?

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Hands appeared, and Rarity found herself standing in an old-fashioned estate, filled with activity. A girl about her age was staring into a snow globe, wearing a simple dark pink dress, her long blonde hair pulled back in a simple hairstyle. An older man in a sharp suit was constantly checking his pocketwatch as a woman who appeared to be a maid was decorating the giant tree in the corner. A young boy in a green suit was busy playing with his toy soldiers, occasionally sneaking glances at the cookie ornaments. They all appeared to be in a loop, doing the same tiny movements, like they were animatronics in a theme park attraction. Only they didn't look like animatronics. They all looked human to Rarity. It was like they were waiting to continue moving. 

"YAH!" Applejack fell on top of Rarity. 

"Applejack! You nearly killed me!" Rarity exclaimed as they both got up. 

"Sorry about that," Applejack blushed with embarrassment.  

"GERONIMO!" Pinkie squealed as she and Twilight appeared. 

"Where are we?" Twilight pushed her glasses up her nose. 

"It looks like we're in the movie!" Pinkie grinned as Sunset and Rainbow Dash plopped to the floor.

"We're in the movie?" Fluttershy squeaked. 

"We're in the movie!" Pinkie started jumping for joy as the older man caught sight of them. 

"You girls are too early for the party!" the man yelled at them, causing the attention of the girl staring at the snow globe. "I'm afraid you'll have to leave!"

"Leave?" Pinkie asked. "But we just got here!"

"Grandfather, stop!" the girl said, and all eyes turned to her (well, the young boy was at the ornament box for some reason. "Why do they have to leave if they're early?"

The Equestria Girls just stared at the old man--the girl's grandfather. 

"Well, then," the grandfather said, checking his pocketwatch. "Clara, we must finish decorating before the rest of the guests arrive."

"Yes, grandfather," Clara said, stepping away from the snow globe and turning to a wrapped box and started opening it. 

"Hey there," Applejack said, walking up to her. "I know it's Christmas and you wanna know what you got, but shouldn't you wait until it's actually Christmas morning?"

Clara stared at the strange girl with the cowgirl boots and freckles. 

"This isn't a gift," Clara said, unfolding the tissue, revealing an ornament shaped like a ballerina. She walked over to the tree and delicately hung it. 

"This came from my mother," Clara said, turning to the maid, who looked at the ornament in curiosity. "The Christmas I saw my first ballet."

The maid turned to the gingerbread house. 

"Oh, I just realized I never caught your names," Clara said, turning to the group. "I'm terribly sorry about that."

"It's totally okay!" Pinkie said. "I'm Pinkie Pie, and these amazing friends of mine are Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle!"

She pointed to each girl as she introduced them, and they all shyly waved. 

"Oh my, a girl wearing pants?" Clara gasped, turning to Rainbow Dash. 

"I think she's gone mad," she whispered to Sunset. 

"Pinkie, what decade is this movie set in?" Sunset asked. 

The Barbie Adventure: Barbie in the NutcrackerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα