Chapter 1: Prologue Part 1

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Beep beep beep, the alarm shrieked a sound that no one likes to hear early in the morning. Luckily for me, I woke up a few minutes early and was already prepared to take it on, a plastic hammer in my hands. The fourth beep rang out as I charged forward with the hammer coming down onto my fierce opponent, a battle that'll be written into the history books. 

It wasn't that easy though as the 'beeping' sound was enough to move the alarm clock to the side, dodging my destructive blow as the hammer bounced back into my forehead. The surprise counterattack sent me onto my knees as I conceded defeat, hearing my father yell out from downstairs, asking if I was okay. Ashamed at my own surrender, I meekly pressed the large button on the top of the clock and quickly put on my school uniform that hung off haphazardly. 

"You may have won this battle through sheer persistence and tenacity, but you have not won the war." I said while buttoning up the white undershirt and throwing on the dark blue vest that held our school symbol. Only then, did I put on the dark blue pants that was a shade darker than the vest. It wasn't a private school in any way, but it was a popular school that currently holds the highest GPA and test scores in the country. Because of that, we had to look presentable so that we wouldn't make our well-respected school look back. 

"Would you hurry, you know school starts in twenty minutes?" My father said as he barged in the room, not realizing that I just lost to my mortal enemy. 

All I could do was run over to him with my backpack already slung over my shoulder, saying, "I think I'm pretty ready." He just looked at me as if I was still a little kid before turning around and walking down the stairs, the car keys spinning around his fingers. If I know my dad at all, that meant he was heading straight to the car and leaving without waiting for anyone, which was stressful enough if it wasn't for the fact that I didn't pack my bag yet. 

Quickly, my hands scrambling with each textbook and composition notes that I needed for the day, rushing downstairs and jumping out of the house, hearing the car engine roaring to life. "Wait for me," were the words I yelled out as I grabbed the door handle and practically lunged into the backseats. 

"You know that I'm heading toward your school, why would I leave without you then?" He said as I clumsily stared back at him, snapping in my seatbelt as he drove toward the school. It was only a few minutes away by car as we pulled up to the front before I could even wake myself up fully.

My dad wasn't waiting either as he was already waving me goodbye as I trotted to the front doors of the large building. Inside was what you would expect of a school; a heater against the left side of the walls, the staff offices a little bit to the side of it, and the auditorium to the right. 

A large group of kids were sitting at the entrance to the auditorium, half of them sleeping and the other half either eating or talking. That wasn't what I cared about though as they weren't the people I normally hung around, instead, walking over to the heater and sitting down to feel the warm seat waiting for me. 

Only one other person sat on the heater with me, that being Grif who tiredly stared at their phone with headphones plugged in. Not the sociable kind, but still someone who was okay to hang out with if you knew how to tread but that wasn't a problem for me. Today was different though as I looked at them in confusion, something being off about them. They stared back, waiting for me to realize until it became clear that I was hopefully clueless. 

"Do you really not know what's changed?" 

"No, not really...Your glasses?"  Before saying anything else, Grif put their hand next to their hair, pointing out that it was cut shorter than before and now had streaks of orange meshed with the blonde. To be honest, it wasn't my fault that I didn't notice the difference as it seems like every week, they have a new color in their hair. 

Dreamcatchers ACT 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora