Chapter 14: Are You Waiting For A Striptease?

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14. Are You Waiting For A Striptease?

"Go away!" I groaned, covering my face with one of my pillows.

"I'm not supposed to leave until you wake up," my brother said, poking me. "Chase's orders."

Why was he only eight years old? I had a mouthful of profanities to spill but couldn't.

"Shane, I swear to God-"

"God's probably tired of your swearing," he interrupted.

I groaned again and sat up. "Alright, I'm up!"

He grinned. "See you downstairs!"


"Yes sister?" he said sweetly.

I smiled sarcastically. "You tell Chase that if he ever wakes me up again I'll gouge his eyes out with a tea spoon."

He blinked at me before shrugging. "Okay."

My brother skipped out of my room and I got out of bed to brush my teeth and take a shower. My three-day suspension was over and so I had to go to school today.

I still felt sleepy though, and so I figured I'd just sleep a little extra and skip breakfast. I threw an oversized t-shirt over my underwear and collapsed back onto my bed.

About ten minutes later I heard my door open.

"I should have known you'd go back to bed," Chase said. "And why do you keep putting violent ideas in your brother's head?"

"And I will follow through on my threat," I said.

He grabbed my hand. "Lee, we have to get to school. I figured I'd take you off your parents' hands this morning."

"I've been suspended," I mumbled.

"Not anymore," he chuckled. "Come on."

"Okay, okay," I agreed. "I'll get up."

When his grip loosened on my hand I pulled him down.

"Liar!" he said. "Unhand me woman!"

I tightened my hold around him. "You're my best friend, cuddles are mandatory."

"We can cuddle another time."

"There might not be another time Chase. An asteroid might hit us or a deadly virus could kill us," I said.

"A deadly virus could just pop up out of nowhere and wipe out the entire human race in the next second?" he chuckled skeptically.

"It could happen."

My hand fell over his chest and I observed his rapid heartbeat. "Jesus Chase, you'd think you were running a marathon."

He laced his fingers with mine and looked up at me with a small smile on his face. "Yeah."

I looked down into his hazel eyes and suddenly my own heart rate quickened. This was weird. I didn't look at Chase like I was looking at him now, so why the hell was I looking at him like I was now?

He patted my arm. "You should get ready. We don't want another detention from Miss Verne."

I quickly got out of bed and cleared my throat. "Yes, I should definitely do that."




"Are you going to leave or are you waiting for a strip tease?" I asked sarcastically, shaking off the last minute or two.

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