Little Uzushio

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The Uzumaki Compound was buzzing with the excitement of a festival. The decorations and feast were being prepared, laughter drifting across all of Kohana. The other clans were confused about the festival, noticing that the gates were new and had foxes on them. The Clan Heads had been invited as was customary to the Uzumaki. Children clad in blues, reds, oranges, purples, and other bright colors darted in and out of the way of adults dressed similarly, hair done in a certain way and bells chiming. It was loud, just as the Uzumaki were. The festival was the Uzumaki new year, a celebration of the Gods and Goddesses and the blessings they had given to the Uzumaki. Everyone was happy, not a single person sat by themselves, glad to be alive with friends.
"Arashi, you need to meet the Clan Heads at the gate!" Mito shouted as she watched him running around with a group of Uzushio genin. He was a big softy and far to old to be behaving like that but no one had the heart to comment or stop him.
He nodded at her, turning towards the gates, his long red and blonde hair twisted into place and looking for all the world like the Kage he was. His festival clothing was a brilliant blue with a white swirl on his back. His earnings were wooden, seals for happiness and tranquility were easily spotted. The chains on his head looked like a crown, nine individual strands of the chain had symbols carefully worked into them. Orange details, reminiscent of seals and golden tattoos could be observed. He walked in a way that screamed authority with a grace in his step that all but seemed otherworldly. He looked like a God of Uzushio. The Clan Heads and their families were in awe at the way he commanded respect but seemed as if he was welcoming his children home from a long journey.
It was very clear that although the Uzumaki were in Kohona, they were their own masters and were only obeying the laws of Kohona out of a strange respect. They were now in Uzumaki territory. The compound smelled of sea salt and the Kohona nin felt as if they could hear the ocean.the shinobi of Uzushio wore their headbands proudly, mixing with the other Uzumaki effortlessly. The whole situation was strange for the Leaf members. Arashi seemed to sense the unease and smiled welcoming, his arms stretched open to welcome them into his home and treat them as family. After all, Kohona had once been his home for a time.
"Welcome to Little Uzushio as we like to call it! We still have a few minutes before the celebrations begin. If you'll follow me, I'll lead you to your spots before the others become too rowdy. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them!" He tone was warm and welcoming and his smile was brilliant. There was a small blond kid clinging to his leg, about four years old. The Uchiha Clan Head asked about him.
"This is my new son, Minato. He is betrothed to Kushina, my sister that is his age. This here is the dining pavilion. We eat here together as a clan at least one meal a day." He explained as he showed them where to sit. His clan started to trickle in slowly, all taking their seats and whispering amongst themselves.
"Why do you do so?" The Nara heir apparent asked.
"Simple. We are a family and it's important that we celebrate, eat, mourn, rejoice, and hold each other together. If we share a table, then we can share anything. I trust them and they trust me. It is also important especially if there has been infighting to settle the disagreement before it gets out of hand. As shared table also insures that everyone is accounted for." Arashi stated, watching as the Clans of Kohona processed the information. Mito entered the pavilion and sat at Arashi's right. An old man, missing an arm but clearly still revered, sat to his left. There was a small commotion before a genin appeared, bowing to her Kage.
"There has been a misunderstanding and Princess Kushina doesn't want to leave the King Father alone to attend the festival. Princess Kushina broke into the King Father's room and found them empty. She was worried and won't calm down, Honorable Clan Head." She stated, trying not to laugh with how formal she was speaking.
"She does realize that he will be here, right?" He just shook his head as the genin kept laughing. "Tell her to get in here and seated before the meal is served. The King Father- *snorts and laughter carried throughout the pavilion* The King Father will be here also." He said, amusement played across his face as the genin darted away, still giggling.
"The King Father?" The Uchiha Clan head asked, intrigued by the strange customs he was witness to.
"Yes, my father and the former Kage of Uzushio. Kushina is the Princess because the throne is passed down to the daughter or if no daughter is produced, the oldest son. Before you ask, the King Father is an old title and cannot be changed. You will have to call him that because he is old fashioned even though he finds it too stuffy." Arashi rolled his eyes at the was part of the customs of his people though, so he would follow through.
"Why Little Uzushio?" One of the mind walkers asked.
"Uzushio is a little out of reach at the moment but the island is still accessible from here so why not give the compound a new name."

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