Festival of Survival

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AN: If Naruto made 750 shadow clones and kept them active for a whole year, the years of experience, memories, and techniques learned would be 44,969.2 years if anyone was wondering. Or 394,200,000 hours. So he's very, very old mentally. Also, Uzushio is most definitely like Atlantis and the city goes all the way to the ocean floor where they can live if they so choose to.
"I'd advise you all to remain calm and not interfere with the ceremonies and the actions during the traditional first dance of freedom and gratitude. We know what we are doing and we believe in the importance of doing this to worship our Gods and remember where we came from," Arashi was calm as he spoke, aware that some parts of this ritual had never been seen by anyone not of Uzumaki blood. "Respect our ways and stay silent." He glanced at each of their visitors, wondering why Mito wished for them to be here. Who was he to question her, though.
Arashi stood up after everyone had sat down, all eyes on him. Mito started playing a flute softly as others started to tap out a beat on the table. Kushina came to stand by him in the center of the square, where the ceremonial dances would take place. The two started a song as they danced together, swirling around. It was only then that the clan heads noticed that the two wore shackles with chains on their wrists and ankles. Kushina was dressed in oranges and reds, white and gold for her makeup and her jewelry. The Uchiha clan head recognized this dance. The song was sung in a language none of the Kohona nin knew. 
It was a dance of remembered suffering and servitude. The chains became golden chakra chains that swayed and formed figures. The beat was slow and steady, an ancient beat of slavers. The flute brought tears to the eyes of the Uzumaki. The chains of Kushina entrapped Arashi as his chains freed her. The tempo became faster. Two flutes started to battle each other. The two followed the dance, the King Father joining in.
He wrapped his silver chains around his two children and actually restrained them as the tempo stopped suddenly. He produced a dagger as the music became sinister. His clothing was black to match the evil of the act of the song, two more dancers appeared, praying in song for deliverance and hope. Arashi broke the hold the chains had on him and shielded Kushina from harm. Arashi had the dagger in his back as he freed Kushina.
"I will pay the price! I will be the sacrifice! So take me and let the others drown in the sea!" He called out in strange language. The King Father motioned to a dancer who took them of the floor. The Uzumaki chanted a prayer together, Arashi's blood becoming a swirl like the clan symbol. A set of seals activated and the Kohona nin swore that they had witnessed the clan being swallowed by the waves. When the seals wore off, Mito and the man with one arm appeared in the center and tied Arashi to the pillar as everyone stood and bowed to him. He couldn't move, the golden sealing arrays serving their purpose.
The bread, stale and salty, was slowly being passed around, each person tearing off a little piece from the same loaf and one water jug with salt water inside it was passed around. The Kohona nin were not offered this as they were guests watching the breaking of a fast. Each person ate the bread, drinking the water and small whispers broke out. The King Father stood where Arashi had been before the dance.
"Of the sea we came to be. We lived as slaves, frightened and tortured, calling out to our gods to spare us and lead us to safety. They lead us back to the sea. One terrible night, a father broke his chains and freed his children and his people who were our ancestors. All the offerings he could make was a stale and salty loaf of bread, a jug of water from the ocean, and to serve the Golden God Uzushio. The Golden God Uzushio told him that the oceans would swallow the clan but they would be free. The first Uzumaki agreed. He watched as all that he held dear was swallowed by the waves. The clan was carried to the shores on Uzushio. All they had was a loaf and a jug of water given to them by the Golden God. They were told to eat the bread and drink the water if they wished for their leader to survive. They did so, every single one of them, and built a shrine to Uzushio." Food was brought out, served to each person. It was the simple ramen with fish cakes. Arashi remained tied to the pillar, his wound healed but blood had dripped to the floor and filled in the clan Crest.
"Their leader was wrapped in seals and chains and found himself in front of the Sage of Six Paths, who he would serve until the death of the Sage. A dagger appeared before the Uzumaki with his blood on it. The blood dripped in the center of the isle and created the first seal granted to Mortals. The Uzumaki learned all they could and prospered, building on the island and below. They learned to endure just as the ocean does." The speech was over for the moment as everyone started to speak and laugh, eating their ramen quickly. Mito brought over the jug of water and the last piece of bread for Arashi. She spoke softly, using a rag to clean away the blood.
"You get to break your fast also, Arashi."
"Not until everyone else has, Mito. It's why every clan head is tied to the pillar."
"How long did you fast?"
"The week. You know that though." He whispered, smiling to reassure some of the children who went back to slurping their noodles.
"Arashi, you know that you didn't need to do so."
"It's our culture. I wish to honor it."
"Eat the bread and drink the water."
Arashi ate the bread and started to drink what was left in the jug. Mito only shook her head, making sure all of the water was gone.
"I don't think there will be any of the ramen left," she stated as she looked to the frowning chefs. Arashi smiled warmly at them.
"It's alright. There are still many more courses tonight and I did get a sixth of the loaf. I'm not really supposed to be eating with you all, remember?" He joked as he started to shoo her back to her seat.
"How old are you truly?" Mito whispered in his ear. He chuckled.
"Far too old to care about the fact you have to stab me again and use a seal to keep it open this time." His eyes laughed at her as she did exactly as he stated. He saw the way that the Kohona nin shifted uncomfortably in their seats, taking forever to eat a single bowl of ramen.
"It's revenge for not allowing me to attend anything in Uzushio for so long." Mito stated as she stood and made her way back to her seat, scribing the silence seal on Arashi. He snorted but no noise came out. He definitely won the bet.
"We can't just sit here and eat while he bleeds to death!" A Senju hissed to the Clan Head of the Uchiha. The Uchiha shook his head.
"We were told not to interfere in anyway. This is the Feast Of Survival. There are eight more dishes between the singing and the dancing. This is what you all get for denying Mito Uzumaki from returning to her home to worship. So we'll all just sit here, eat, and watch. Eat faster. The faster we eat, the faster it'll be over with." So the evening continued. If there were leftovers, Arashi would be fed them but usually all the food was consumed. His chakra went into remaking the wards around Kohona to prevent Zetzu and unwanted guests out. His plans worked while also opening a seal that would allow access to the real Uzushio hidden on the ocean floor. After all, only the Uzumaki had left the island, all the other clans were safe in the true Uzushio.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

The Tempest of the Whirlpool जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें