Part Two: To The Safe Haven

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That voice, it sent shivers down the boy's spine. He knew that voice. It may have been muffled and barely audible, but he knew it was yours. Newt whipped his head around at the calling of his name. Gally turned to him, a concerned look on his face. Newt didn't seem to notice it, only focusing on the voice.
He knew he heard it that time, but when he looked at Gally, he found that the boy didn't hear it.
"Did you hear that?" Newt asked him but Gally shook his head.
"Hear what? I didn't hear anything." Gally said but Newt shook his head.
"I heard her." Newt said and this seemed to worry the boy more. "I swear I heard her, she called my name!"
"Newt, stop." Gally told him but Newt shook his head. He then pushed Gally away and ran down the side of the boat, heading to the back deck. "NEWT! COME BACK!" Gally shouted but the boy never turned around.
"I'm not crazy!" He shouted back to him and Gally swore under his breath. He looked over and saw a crewman walking along the deck.
"Hey you! Get Minho or Fry, Jorge, Aris, Vince, Brenda or literally anyone! I don't care who they are just get them and tell them to find me at the back deck!" Gally called and the man nodded, walking inside the vessel once again while Gally ran after the blondie.
It didn't take long for him to find the boy, he was walking but he was walking fast. Gally tried to stop him but Newt was persistent. He knew what he heard, even if Gally didn't hear it. He knew he heard you. Even though there was a voice in the back of his head telling him that you were dead, he had to follow his gut. He knew that's what you would have done. He remembered how you always trusted your instincts over logic. They never failed in the end. Gally on the other hand, he didn't know what was happening or why Newt was so determined to get to the back deck.
"Newt, slow down, HEY! Would you listen to me!" Gally shouted but Newt picked up speed, eventually making his way across the ship. The moment he got to the open area, he leaned against the edge, looking out to the horizon except there wasn't much to see.
"Bloody hell." Newt whispered under his breath, seeing nothing but rough blue seas and the old Right Arm camp. It was too far away to see many details, only the big buildings and trees spread across the land. Newt took a deep breath of the salty air, but he couldn't calm himself down. He knew he heard it. He was sure he heard you call his name.
"Oh... my god... how the shuck do you walk faster than I can sprint? You have a shucking limp!" Gally complained as he made his way over to the boy.
"I heard her." Newt said and that took Gally's attention. "She called my name, I know it."
"No Newt, you didn't." Gally said but Newt shook his head, anger rising up inside of him.
"I bloody swear it." Newt said with clenched teeth. "I heard her, I heard her!"
"No you didn't Newt!" Gally yelled at him suddenly. "My sister is dead! We watched her fall into that crumbling building! She's dead!"
Newt suddenly grabbed Gally by the shirt and using all his strength to punch him across the face. He then took the boy, who was still trying to recover from the blow, and shoved him against the railing. If Newt were to push Gally any further, he would be shoving the man over board. Gally tried getting out of Newt's grasp but it was too strong. Inch by inch, Gally continued to be pushed slightly over the railing. He knew he shouldn't push him over, but he wanted to, he really wanted to.
Deep in his brain, Newt knew that Gally didn't mean to be so harsh, that he was naturally that way. He knew that Gally was still upset over your death and that he wasn't good at conveying emotions. But it was as if the boy had no control over his actions and he hated every second of the feeling. He had felt it before and he hated it even more then.
"NEWT!" A voice from behind suddenly called and the blondie suddenly shook from his daze. He then looked at Gally in pure horror as the boy hung over the edge of the boat. Newt suddenly felt the arms of two people pull him back from Gally and he didn't fight them. He then watched as Brenda and Frypan helped Gally find his balance. Newt then looked to his right to find Sonya and on his left was Minho.
Aris came running up quickly behind with Vince.
"What's going on?" Vince asked but they all just looked at Newt who was still in shock from everything that had just happened. Minho turned the boy to face him.
"Newt, what are you doing?" Minho asked him but Newt looked down to his shaking hands, not responding.
"It's not his fault." Gally told him. "I riled him up."
"I think it's more than that." Sonya then said and they all looked at her. "Look."
Sonya pointed at the boys neck and they all looked over. The dark black veins climbed up his neck like a spider web and his eyes looked red and irritated. His body was shaking and it was clear that Newt was irritable. The flare was growing again and they needed more of the bliss.
The only other time he felt that out of control was when he was attacking you in the Last City. He remembered watching everything that he had done but not being able to do anything about it. He remembered slamming you against the wall and smashing you through glass. He remembered it all and he knew that those memories would haunt him forever.
"I didn't even realise." Gally said and Newt turned to look at the boy, guilt filling his eyes.
"Gally, I am so sorry." Newt said but Gally shook his head.
"Don't be, it was my fault for saying what I said. Let's just get you more of the bliss..."
"And how long do you think that's gonna last?" Brenda spoke up.
"Brenda's right." Aris then said. "I gave Newt the bliss an hour before we got on the boat. If we have to give him the serum hourly then he isn't going to last a day." Vince nodded in agreement with the boy.
"He's right, we only have so much of a supply and when that runs out..." Vince said but his sentence trailed off. The blood inside Newt continued to boil as his friends continued to talk about him like he wasn't there. Minho spotted this and put a hand on his shoulder.
"We don't have another choice, he almost threw Gally overboard. He needs the-" Frypan said but was cut off by a soft voice from behind.
"Cure." Everyone turned around to see Teresa standing there in fresh clothes, but you could see the burns on her hands. She seemed very tense, but considering that not everyone in front of her was willing to forgive her yet, she had a reason to be.
"What are you talking about?" Vince asked and Teresa took a deep breath.
"The cure." The girl said. "We have it and I can administer it to Newt now." Minho scoffed, taking a step closer to the girl. Sonya let go of Newt and put a hand on Minho's shoulder to stop him.
"So you expect us to trust you? After everything?" Minho said angrily but Teresa stood her ground.
"You don't have to trust me." Teresa told him. "You have to trust (Y/n)." This got Minho even more mad.
"Don't you dare talk about her!" Minho shouted and now Vince pushed Minho back.
"Look, you don't trust me and I know that, and I'm going to try and build the trust back, but that takes time. Newt doesn't have that time and you all know that." Teresa told them. "(Y/n) would not have been in that building if she didn't think the cure was real."
"Minho, she's right." Fry spoke.
"You don't have to trust me. Trust her. Do you?" Teresa asked. "Do you trust (Y/n)?"

Newt was sat down on a chair in a dimly lit room. He watched as all his friends stood at the back of the room while Teresa got the equipment together. Now Jorge had joined the group. Newt took a deep breath, trying to keep his rising annoyance at bay. There wasn't anything to be mad at, he just felt this overwhelming urge to just punch the wall or break something. He knew if you were there then you would have been able to calm him down.
Newt turned and watched as Teresa sat down next to him with a long sharp needle. It had a light blue liquid inside of it, obviously the cure. She looked into the blondie's eyes and she nodded slightly, indicating that she was going to continue. Newt watched as the needle came down, but before it hit his skin, he pulled away. This surprised Teresa and she jumped back slightly.
"Newt, I need you to hold still or I might miss." Teresa instructed. He didn't even know why he jumped back, something about it didn't feel right to him. It was the fact that you had risked your life for this cure for him. He knew he'd never tell anyone, but, he wished he had died instead of you.
"It's okay Newt." Aris said softly while everyone else nodded, all except Minho who seemed tense. It looked like the gears in his head were turning.
Newt slowly put his arm out again, telling Teresa to continue. The girl looked at him and he stared back. It was then that he realized that he was shaking badly to the point where it was difficult for Teresa to even get the needle in. Before he could do anything, a hand gently gripped his. Newt's shaking stopped, but when the boy looked over, he was surprised and a little confused to see who was holding his hand.
"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Newt asked but the boy looked at him seriously.
"What does it look like you dumb shank, I'm holding your shucking hand." Minho responded flatly.
"But why... OW!" Newt exclaimed and he looked down to see Teresa rip the needle out of the boy's arm.
"Done." Teresa said as she got up quickly, taking away the syringe and putting it with the rest of the medical supplies.
Newt suddenly felt this rush of relief run through his body. He couldn't help but let out a huge sigh of painless relief. The veins were still there but they lighten up. It wasn't all going to work in two seconds, but it felt as though it did. Newt didn't even know he had a ringing in his head until it stopped. He felt as if he could think for himself again. He even noticed his pale skin gain back most of its color.
Newt was torn from his thoughts as Minho quickly ripped his hand out of his grasp. Minho then started shaking his hand as if it was wet and he was trying to dry it.
"Yeah, no, never doing that again. Ever." Minho complained. "At this point, I'll be lucky to find any of my former pride again!"
"I don't know, I think it was sweet." Sonya smiled and Newt could have sworn he saw the boy blush.
"You did? I uh- I guess it was." Minho said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Something about that made Newt feel this sudden feeling, a feeling he didn't understand. He then felt the walls start to close in on him and oxygen seeming to lessen. He knew he had to get out of there.
Quickly, the boy stood and walked towards the door, pushing everyone out of the way. He walked through the door and down the hallway, trying to get to the main deck. He couldn't care less if people were worried about him, he just knew he couldn't stay in that room anymore. He just needed to be alone, to let things process through his head. He was willing to talk to people, he just didn't want to, not at that moment. All he really wanted was you.

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