Chapter 1: Oblivious New Beginning

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My name is Scarlet Olson, or to my home town known as the girl who mysteriously disappeared. The reason for my odd disappearance is unknown, well by my family and friends that is. You don’t expect to wake up one day and you’re whole life be flipped upside down…. That’s what has happened to me however this is forever. I feel like someone has to know my story, I can’t be alone in this I hope you can handle the journeys I have had.

The day I went missing was just over two years ago now. Myself and my boyfriend Stanley, were making our way home from the movie theatre. The night carried a crisp cold breeze whisking round every corner, while the sky crystal clear above contained stars beaming down on us. My house was about a 10 minute walk away, but lucky for me Stanley insisted on walking me to my door.

How did I Scarlet Olson get a guy like Stanley, he’s like a dream. You could look at him for hours and never get bored, something about him fascinates me. As we walked down the street hand in hand, I caught a glimpse of a menacing shadow. Before my eyes could focus on the blurry figure, a cool breeze brushed past me. The sudden rush made me come to an abrupt halt, my body stuck feeling Stanley tense up beside me.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned looking deep into his cold empty eyes. Sighing heavily he clenched his jaw, ignoring me while running his long fingers though his dark curly hair. His reaction infuriated me he completely blanked me staring off into space. When suddenly he pulled me close making me only feel more uneasy. The heat from his body burned onto mine. Causing my cheeks to burn red, I feel safer in his embrace.

Tension growing every second, being pulled along down the street…. I decided to turn around hopeful of getting a glace of the shadow, when instead I was caught off guard by Stanley breaking the silence. “It’s nothing let’s just get you home… safe” he’s voice angry and dark giving me shivers. I could feel his body shaking with temper, I couldn’t think why and it was scaring me.

After what felt like hours we finally arrived to my door. He stood staring at me his eyes piercing into me, as I fiddled with my keys anxious. The tension was now swarming around us, so I did the only thing that I knew would break it. Stepping onto my tiptoes closing my eyes, I pressed my lips into his. He instantly responded paralysing me, even the slightest touch electrifies me setting my body on fire.

Our lips parted opening my eyes, and he was gone nothing but darkness. That’s when it hit me, an effectual burning sensation hammering through my veins. The poison flowing through my body quick like lightening. My body collapsed abruptly to the concrete pavement, unaware of what was happening to me.

Cautiously I began to panic sending tremors of fear spiralling down my spine. It seems like my brain was telling me to get up but my body refused! I tried to scream for help but I couldn’t breathe, I could feel my lungs closing up as if someone was sitting on me. In this whirlwind of emotion my body began to fit.

Then it came the darkness clouding over me. I fought against it, which was incredibly tough only wasting my energy. Pushing harder to keep my eyes open trying to revel the light but instead more dark came.

As I used all my strength, to force my eyes open it succeeded. They opened for what seem like just one second. The light was becoming more visible, blooding covered my entire arm. My eyes scanned my arm franticly as they stumbled upon a jaggered mark pieced into my skin.

My skin turning cold as ice, I felt like I was stuck in concrete. My skin once golden, my cheeks once pink now glistened pale like white shinning marble. Blood that once flowed through my veins, seemed to congeal. My living cells beginning to crumble, flaking away like dead skin turned to dust.

I feel like I am in a dream, free falling from a great height, numb to my surroundings while the wind rushed through me. Except I will not wake up before I hit the bottom, right now I am already there.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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