Steve rubbed his eyes. "That's not the point, Clint. We know that he wouldn't purposely hurt someone by talking. It's just he does it constantly and doesn't stop. I mean, Howard Stark babbled too but not like that. Can you honestly tell me that Tony would be able to control his mouth if we got into a big fight? Just look at the Battle of New York, he just kept going and going. The first thing he did after gaining consciousness was crack a joke."

"That's just Tony being himself." Clint's patience with his team began to wane. "Are you guys even listening to yourselves? Bruce, man, help me out here?"

Bruce fidgeted uncomfortably. "Well, I mean... He does talk a lot."

"Bruce!" Clint's voice was filled with betrayal.

"It's true though. Tony doesn't know when to stay quiet..." The doctor looked down.

"So, we agreed. Stark needs to learn to keep his mouth shut." Natasha stated.

Clint pulled at his hair, frustrated. "You want Tony to not be Tony. Is that what you're saying? Cause it sure as hell sounds like it."

"Clint," Steve began. "You can't tell me that it doesn't get to you sometimes? Tony talks all the time. It gets a little irritating. Even when we're not on a mission. Every time Stark is in a room it's never quiet. It's like the guy doesn't understand that sometimes people need some peace."

Clint gave a defeated sigh. "I honestly can't believe you guys. Okay, so Tony likes to talk. I don't even think he realizes he talks as much as he does. For me, I don't mind it. I enjoy his talking. I like knowing that someone's always in the room, it makes me feel less alone."

Natasha scoffed. "Whatever Clint. The bottom line is that Stark talks and doesn't know when to stop. If Rhodes didn't tell him to shut it then one of us would have."

"All of you gross me out right now," Clint turned away from them and began to leave the landing pad. "I can't believe any of you."


"Not now Widow."

Stark Suite/Penthouse, Avengers Tower

Okay, Tony could admit that that hurt to hear from the people that live in his building. Dear Tyson, it felt like when he was living with his parents again. It was always quiet in the mansion.

"Stay silent, Anthony. You're not old enough to voice any opinions in this house."

"Anthony, honey, can you please be quieter? Mama has a headache."

"Your father and uncle are home, young sir. Remember to be as quiet as a mouse so that they don't notice you're here."

Tony shook his head. He didn't need to relive his childhood right now, even if the general opinion was the same as back then.

"Sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. interrupted his silent contemplation. "It seems like Colonel Rhodes is searching for you and currently approaching in the elevator."

"Fuck." Call him a coward but he didn't really want to talk to the person that yelled at him right now. "J, tell him I'm busy. No, wait! Tell him I'm sleeping and that I haven't slept for like a week or something. Yeah, that should keep Rhodey away from me for like a few hours."

Tony made his way to his bedroom, in case Rhodey did come to his floor. So, maybe he's hiding from his best friend. Just like he used to with his dad... Nope, not thinking about that. Tony locked his door and went to the bathroom. He wanted to wash off his emotions.

Undressing, Tony stared at the mirror for a moment. He looked tired, maybe he should sleep after all. He stepped into the hot water and let the water wash away from the grime from the day.

Tony Stark One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now