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A/N: This is my first fan-fiction so please enjoy;) If that's not the case then: Don't like don't read.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gaara but the storyline.

_____= your name

"..."= talking

'...'= thinking


It was another ordinary day in the life of _____. You had a day off and you were spending it at home, lazily sitting in your giant bathtub or almost-pool, how you liked to call it. Contentedly sighing and closing your eyes you sank deeper into the water, not noticing the knock on the bathroom door. As you opened your eyes you saw Gaara opening the door. He stepped in and closed it again, beginning to strip himself, obviously not noticing you in the bathtub. While undressing he turned around but stopped right in his tracks as he looked in your eyes.

"Gaara? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to take a bath but since you're already bathing I'll be going now."

He turned around and began to walk off, until...

"Don't you want to bath with me?"

He froze.

"Don't say things like that."

"Why not? We're siblings, it's only normal to bath together. At least I think that they do that."

'Yes. Ordinary SIBLINGS do that', Gaara thought. He's never told you that you weren't his actual sibling like Temari and Kankuro were. You were adopted at young age, that's why you couldn't remember your adoption either.

"Now that I think about it, we've never taken a bath together before, right? Weird..."

"Yeah. Totally."

Gaara's back still turned to you, you decided to ask him why he wouldn't want to bath with you.

"Is there a problem with bathing with me? If yes then I'd like to know."


'If I say no then she wants to know why I can't bath with her. On the other hand, I can't just tell her that she's adopted...' He hesitated.

"Gaara? Are you coming or what?"


"Yes. But please turn around while I'm changing."


You were quite fidgety when you waited for him, almost exited. But there was no way you could be excited, he was your brother and you had no more feelings for him except for loving him as your sibling. Still, you couldn't suppress another, stronger feeling in your chest. 'What's that pounding in my chest? It's not the same feeling I've got when I'm with Temari or Kankuro.'

With closed eyes you thought about it, until you felt the water moving. You opened you're eyes, eyeing Gaara in front of you. Was he... blushing? 'No way, Gaara never blushes. It's probably the heat.' Then you noticed that he wasn't even looking at you. 'Is he... No wait, that can't be, can it?'

He was staring at your slight part of chest that was showing.

"Hey Gaara..."



"...eeeh yes what is it?"

"What exactly are you looking at?"

He turned his face away from you, trying to hide his increasing blush.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"...No reason."

Now you were sure about what he was looking at. At the thought of Gaara, your brother, being so perverted let you blush too. Again, your heart ached. 'What IS this? It can't be love. No.' But thinking about the condition he was in, his hair and body dripping wet... 'No no no no _____ he's your BROTHER god dammit!! Stop your thoughts right now!'

While she was stopping her thoughts from getting any further, Gaara looked at her, slightly confused. 'Why is she blushing?' He had no clue.

None of them spoke for the next few minutes and the silence began to get awkward. You didn't like it so you thought it would be more fun to get your other siblings.

"So, Gaara, I thought it might be more fun when we get the other two too. The bathtub is big enough."



"I said no."

At the thought of the perverted Kankuro being with you in a bathtub, NAKED, was just too much for Gaara.

"Gaara, honestly, what's wrong? Why can't Temari and Kankuro join us?"


"Well? I'm waiting for an explanation."

"Because they're not home."

"Oh, come on Gaara, I know you're lying. Just tell me the truth already."

Your eyes were boring into his, a pleading look in them. 'So innocent.' How could he ever deny something you asked for?

"... I don't want that pervert Kankuro with you in a bathtub."


'Did he just really say that? Is he... jealous? But he's still my brother! It's inappropriate to have those kind of feelings for his sister.'

"It's nice of you to worry about me, but as my brother Kankuro wouldn't try anything, you know."

"That's the problem _____. He isn't your brother."

"What? What are you talking about? Are you telling me he's adopted?"

Gaara turned to look at your face, those innocent eyes, now with a confused look in it, and slightly blushed cheeks.

'She needs to know. We can't lie to her for her whole life. Furthermore I can't stop these thoughts of mine anymore.' He wanted to tell you everything. About your adoption, but more importantly, about his feelings towards you. He couldn't bear it anymore.

"_____... Kankuro's not adopted. In fact, you are. We've never told you because we all wanted you to believe us that we love you like a real sister."

"Gaara... Your lying, aren't you?"

"I'm afraid I'm not. If you don't believe me, then go ask Temari and Kankuro."


You were shocked. Your whole life was based on a lie and you believed everything. How could they do that to you?

Bathtub [Gaara x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now