Chapter I: Golden boy

Start from the beginning

I brush it off and look down at my page and start writing some notes, like the date. "Today we're discussing—," the professor is interrupted by the door. "Ah, Jungkook. You're late," he says. My eyes pry up and I see the tall man, one hand pushed into his pocket as he walks in like nobody is watching. I complain to myself, feeling disappointed as I thought I'd be off the hook today. But I refuse to show that it's frustrating me.

He bows, pushing his other hand into his pocket. His dark black hair sits neatly on his forehead, styled as though just a few minutes ago, and a nice pair of jeans and a shirt on him. He looks casual. And that's what annoys me is that he looks professional, when he's not. "I apologize. I got caught up talking with another professor. I hope you will understand," he says, smiling at the teacher.

"Of course, I do. No worries. You can take your seat." He nods and looks to my desk, making eye contact with me. I sigh quietly, looking back towards the front. He's the perfect guy. He never gets into trouble, he never does anything wrong. It makes me a bit irritable. Ever since I've known him he's been everyone's favorite, the golden boy that everyone looks at. I despise all of it. Perhaps I'm jealous, but I don't care. The only thing I'm jealous of is how everyone likes him without him even trying, and he doesn't deserve it.

Jungkook takes a seat next to me, placing his bag down and pulling his notebook and pencil out. I notice his staring at the side of my face, making me wonder if he's going to ask me something. I mentally prepare myself for that so I don't say the first thing that pops into my head, which would probably be rude to the point of him saying something. Being emotionless is the best reaction.

"Did I miss anything?" He whispers.

I shoot him a subtle glare, answering, "No." He nods, being silent after that.

I focus on the class the entire time, not giving him a second glance so that I won't miss anything. I take notes diligently, not looking for trouble, until something moves in the corner of my eye, making my eyes move. Yuna's waving at me, trying to get my attention. I furrow my eyebrows, wondering what she's doing. She starts making hand motions, pointing towards Jungkook and mouthing something, and then stops. Her eyes look to the left of me, stopping, making me look over. Jungkook's head is up, watching her as I am, and then when I turn my head to look at him, he looks at me, the both of us making eye contact. I turn my eyes back to the young girl, waiting for her to continue.

Yuna places her hand on the side of her mouth, trying to be sure no one can see her mouthing words, though it makes everything more noticeable. I try to read her lips, and she says, "ask him about Jimin!" When I understand, I deadpan at her, watching as she smiles cutely.

"Y/n, eyes up front, please," the professor says, making me look towards the front of the classroom. I'm about to respond, but another voice does it before I can.

"Sorry, sir, that was my fault," Jungkook says, making me look at him. I furrow my eyebrows. Why is he lying? And more importantly, to get me out of trouble.

"Oh, alright. Then I'm sure it was important." The professor turns back to teaching, making the fire ignite a bit inside of me. I roll my eyes again, focusing on what I missed on the board and jotting it down.

"You're welcome," Jungkook whispers.

I try not to scoff, but I fail partially when a little harsh sigh comes out. "I didn't ask for you to do that."

"Well, if you and your friend would stop talking from across the room, I wouldn't need to," he says, burning holes into the side of my face. "What was that about anyway?"

I sigh, leaning back in my chair. "She wants me to ask you to talk to one of your friends, or something. The short one, Jimin," I say, glancing at him. I'm not scared to look at him nor make eye contact with him, and frankly, I don't know why I refuse to look at him. I just notice that when I look at his face, seeing it only softens my heart and feelings, and he doesn't deserve that. Not after all that he said and he did to me.

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