The Girl Who's Nigh Perfect

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"Gods, sometimes I wish the teachers would give us the grades they know we're gonna get," Elise moans.

"Well, exams are more for people who actually have to try to get good grades," Weiss replies, sounding smugger every syllable.

"Yeah, it's kinda like watching dogs climb a ladder. Funny in a pathetic kind of way," Max adds. "Hey, they're thinning out, wanna go seal our fates?"

The other two nod and approach the board. Weiss moves toward the middle, where 's' is found. Her eyes prowl along the screen, scanning for her name. When she sees the one it's next to, the world seems to fade into a muffled silence. It's like being in the final moments of a car crash or falling down a cliff. In the background she can vaguely hear the sound of Elise and Max celebrating. They've been partnered together. That's unfair, she thinks to herself as anger and frustration swell in her cold heart.

'Weiss Schnee/(Y/N) Sommerhaut.'


You absently sit upon a table in the training room, swinging your legs backward and forward. The view from the windows in a stunning vista of Atlas, cloaked in mist a snow. It looks like an oil painting to be honest, and you can't help but appreciate it, especially with the morning sun shining overhead. Its rays reach out from the centre, creating a cross of light that haunts the air.

You got in exceptionally early, fully aware you'd have to deal with the crowd otherwise. And crowds are not something you deal well with. It also meant no one made any comments about your partnership, which is sure to raise some controversy. The girl who's nigh perfect with the slacker who barely passed the theory exam. No doubt she'll have some unpleasant comments to make about that too. Probably some waspish insults and languishing. After all, you know her type, not that you've ever spoken to her. She always sat at the front of the class and thought herself above the generic and unimpressive like you, who lurked near the window and at the back. Most days you were more focused on appreciating the nuances of the outside world. But all you want is to pass and be allowed to leave this school for good, so your plan is to be a meek pushover and let her dictate whatever tyrannical ideas she has until the day of examination comes, and then hopefully never have to see her again, so just bare whatever comments she has to say, do whatever she wants to do, graduate without an issue. Easy as?


"This is outrageous," Weiss says plainly. She has no time for flowery comments nor dressing up her words. She's bearing her opinion like a weapon and firing words like bullets. "This is deliberate sabotage."

Mr. Salian doesn't show signs of weakness; indeed, he doesn't take well to anyone accusing him or his school of unprofessional conduct. The man's a perfectionist.

"Schnee," he pulls a hand through his thinning, wispy grey hairs, combed finely. "You understand that the practical examination is done precisely to test your ability in unpredictable, unorthodox scenarios, as well as your ability to function cooperatively?"

Weiss' jaw tightens, and she nods reluctantly.

"Good. Then you understand why this is a perfectly acceptable partnership."

She nods again. Against a teacher she won't dare threaten, so all she can do now is accept.

"And furthermore, regarding your accusation of sabotage, these pairings are made randomly, with no human input, as per Atlas Academy's request."

If It Be Thusly (Weiss Schnee x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon