The Assistant State's Attorney erupted and immediately lashed back at Montgomery.

"Your Honor, this case involves the brutal murder of a former Chicago police officer, so to release the defendant on his own recognizance would be outrageous and totally dismissive of the gravity of this offense.  Defense Counsel's motion is outrageous and unconscionable!  Therefore, my office is requesting that the defendant be held without bond."

The judge read Dr. Charles' second affidavit as well as the other affidavits at the restaurant and thought the matter over very carefully before he rendered his decision.

"In light of the evidence which the defense has presented I'm going to set bail at $50,000-D, which means the defendant is required to post ten percent or $5,000. I am granting defendant's motion to reopen and reconsider the preliminary hearing and I am setting the matter down for a hearing next Monday at 9:00 am. Where is your client now, Mr. Montgomery?  I see he's not in court."

"He's in the Madden mental health facility, but as I indicated earlier he is being discharged pending the ruling of this court. His parents will be posting the $5,000 momentarily."

The assistant State's Attorney voiced his outrage at the low bond, but the judge simply noted the objection and called the next case.

Mark was being released and would be going home soon.  This counted as a victory for him. Meanwhile the State's case against him was quickly crumbling into a thousand pieces . . . and they knew it. 
Elena was rushing through the quadrangle at the University of Chicago to her Nineteenth Century American History class when her cellphone rang.  She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the caller ID.  It was Mark.  She answered immediately.


"Yeah, it's me."  He sounded excited.

"Are they allowing you to use your phone in the hospital."

"Nope.  I'm at home, Elena!  I'm at home!"


"Yep, I was discharged this morning.  The psychiatrists gave me the all clear, and the judge set my bond, which my parents posted.  We just got here about 15 minutes ago, and you were the first person I wanted to call."

"Mark, that's fantastic!!  I can't believe it!!  Now, does that mean the case is over?"

"No, not by a long shot.  But what Mr. Montgomery is saying is that the case against me is getting weaker by the day, especially with the video of me in an all-night restaurant buying some jerk chicken at the same time Murphy was killed.  I had even forgotten I was in there that night."

"When can I see you?" she asked.  She was late for her class but didn't care.

"Where are you now?" Mark asked.

"I'm on campus.  I was on my way to my American history class, but I'll  gladly ditch it to come see you."

"No, I don't want you to do that.  How about I come over to your house this evening, say around 6:00?"

"Yesss!  That'll be perfect!!  I'll even fix dinner."

"Uh, well, in that case maybe I won't come," he said jokingly.  He always teased her about her lack of culinary talent.

 Chicago PD: Hank Voight's Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now