Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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"I'm putting you on speaker," Midian said as he and the others pulled away from the Lake Geneva house on their way back to Chicago.

"Hey, Guys!" said Elena. "How'd it go this weekend?"

"Hey, Elena!!" they chorused.

"I see you're still among the living," said Brad.
"Voight seemed pretty pissed at you when you left!"

"Yeah, I've never seen him like that!" said Midian. "On an anger scale of one to ten he registered like a 150!"

Everyone laughed.

"Yeah, I knew he was going to be a tad angry," said Elena. "That I was prepared for. But I didn't expect him to drive all the way to Wisconsin in the middle of the night and yank me outta there like that. I'm really sorry about that guys, but I guess I didn't think it through after all."

"I told you you didn't think it through," said Leonard.  "What were you thinking? Even I know you shouldn't try to go up against a man like Voight because he's capable of . . . well, anything."

"He's got one helluva temper," said Brad. "If I ever make him angry, I hope he'll give me a chance to apologize."

Everyone laughed.

"Matt says he told Voight that it was all your idea and that we didn't have anything to do with it. Did Voight believe him?" asked Midian.

"He was skeptical at first, but I think I convinced him it was all me, and that you guys didn't know anything about it until we were more than halfway there. You're off the hook," she said reassuringly.

The young men expressed relief.

"So what's the damage?" asked Byron.

"I'm grounded for 3 months."

Everyone whistled. 

"Three months!!   Man, Voight doesn't play around, does he?" said Mark shaking his head.

"Wait a minute," said Midian.  "What about our practice sessions?  Does that mean we can't come over for our weekly rehearsals for the next three months?"

"Actually, I did talk to him about that," Elena said, "and he has agreed that those can continue uninterrupted.  As long as I'm in the house, he's okay with it."

"Great! In that case, we thought we'd come over this evening for a couple of hours to rehearse," said Brad.  "Would that be okay? Since you weren't with us this weekend, we didn't get any practice time in at all."

"I'll run it past Hank, but it should be okay," she said.  "He's calmed down a lot since you last saw him.  But I'll let you know.  In fact, call me when you get home.  Maybe we can order a couple of pizzas."

"I'm in. Sounds great!!" everyone chorused.

"Okay, enough of that," Elena said. "I want to hear about your weekend."

For the next several minutes Elena's friends filled her in on everything she had missed.
The boys had finally made it back to Chicago and were winding down the last few minutes of the trip. They had just gotten off the Dan Ryan Expressway and turned eastbound onto Garfield Boulevard at 55th Street when Brad asked Midian to stop at the Richter Store which sold the best Polish sausages and German Wiener schnitzel on the south side. He had a taste for a Polish sausage and sauerkraut.

They pulled up to the curb and parked in front of Richter's. Brad jumped out of the vehicle and went into the store while Midian and the other young men waited inside the van. After a few minutes Brad came out of the store with his bag of food, climbed into the van, and they drove off on their way to Hyde Park. They had only gone a block when Midian looked in his rear-view mirror and saw the oscillating red lights of a patrol car directly behind him.

 Chicago PD: Hank Voight's Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now