Chapter 47

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Tyler's POV

"How long was it?" I asked Jenna once Jill stopped seizing.

"Two minutes. She also has a MedicAlert bracelet. It has her mom's number on it," Jenna said.

"Give her a call. Ask her what we need to do now," I took my sweatshirt that I'd been wearing before we played some songs for Jill and Sam, and put it under Jill's head.  Her eyes were closed, but she seemed to be breathing okay.

"Sam, what do we do now? Did Jill tell you?" I asked, turning around to where Sam had been sitting. "Where is she?"

Josh shrugged.

"Did either of you see her leave?" He asked.

"Maybe she went to get something from her room that Jill left upstairs?" Jenna suggested.

"I'll go look," Josh said. He went upstairs and I stayed sitting by Jill's side. Her eyes started to open. She looked around and looked confused. Jenna was on the phone with Jill's mom.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're alright," I said. "It's Tyler. You had a seizure and you're okay. You're in my basement and Jenna is calling your mom, okay?"

Jill started crying.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Don't be sorry. It's okay,"

"I wet my pants. I probably peed on your floor."

"That's okay. We can get that cleaned up. You being okay is more important," I said.

"Jill, your mom's coming to pick you up, okay?" Jenna said. Jill nodded.

"Do you want to sit up?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"I need to stay lying down for a minute," she said.

"Jill," Jenna said. "Do you want to borrow a pair of my sweatpants?  You can bring them back to school and give them to Sam."

"Yes please," she whispered.

Jenna went upstairs. I stayed with Jill and just reassured her she was okay, and not to be upset or embarrassed.

"Where's Sam?" Jill asked, looking around.

"I'm not sure. But she told us exactly what to do. She was kinda your hero. Because I wasn't sure what to do."

"Ty," Jenna said, coming downstairs. "The front door is open."

"What do you mean?"  I asked. And then seeing the panicked look on Jenna's face I knew what she meant. But I didn't want to upset Jill.

"Jill, Jenna's going to stay with you until you feel ready to get up and change, okay?"

Jill nodded and I went upstairs.

Josh was just coming to the basement stairs.

"She's not in her room or out back," he said, frantically.

"Jenna noticed the front door is open," I said, running to the front of the house. Sure enough, the front door stood wide open.

"She ran," Josh said. "Why would she run?  And where would she go?"

"Shit," I said. Where would she have gone?

I pulled out my phone and tried using the Find My iPhone app.

"She's not too far," I said, looking at the display. "And she's on foot. But she's fast."

Josh and I took off in the direction of her phone.

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