Chapter 42

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Samantha's POV

Jenna and Josh both keep saying Tyler isn't mad at me for breaking the glass, but I'm still not 100% convinced. He didn't even come downstairs for breakfast. And he made Jenna come check my sugar at night.

I took the right dose of insulin at breakfast so that no one would get even madder at me.

Josh made breakfast and when we were done, I asked if he could come with to drop me off. He agreed and so the three of us left.

When we pulled up at the school, I saw Jill standing out front apparently looking for me. I rolled my eyes because I wasn't sure I wanted her as a friend. But, she was the only person who spoke to me yesterday. So, maybe I'll give her a chance. Jenna reminded me of my doctor's appointment after school.

"Hi, Samantha!" She said as I got out of the car. "That's not your dad.  Who's with your mom?"

"First, neither of them are my parents. They're my foster parents. And that's my foster dad's friend Josh." I said.

"Hey! You can speak!" She laughed.

I smiled. She wasn't being mean.

"Yeah. I guess so," I said.

"So, why are you in foster care?" She asked.

"I don't really want to talk about it," I said.

"Okay. I get that. That's okay. Can I ask why you were in the nurse's office before lunch yesterday?"

"Yeah," I said.

She waited for me to explain, but then laughed.

"Okay, why were you at the nurse's office?"

"I have diabetes. I had to go take my insulin."

"Ohhh. Really?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay," Jill said as we walked into the school.

We walked to our English class and found our seats as the bell rang.

"Good morning, class," Mrs. Wilson said.

The class said good morning. As everyone was getting their stuff out, Mrs. Wilson came up to me with a slip of paper.

"Samantha, here's your locker assignment and the combination. If you need any help, you can come find me, okay?"

I nodded.

"Did you have a chance to read the first two chapters of 'The Giver'?

"I finished the book," I said, quietly.

Mrs. Wilson smiled at me.

"Then you might have some interesting insights for today's discussion," she said. I shrugged.

As class started, I listened to the discussion of the second chapter. I held my tongue because I knew some of what they were saying was completely wrong.

"Samantha," Mrs. Wilson said. "What do you think? Is this a utopian society or dystopian?"

Everyone stared at me. Yesterday I'd shown up and not said a word. Could I speak today?

"Um," I started. Jill smiled at me. "Well, I think they think they've created a utopia because they have what they think is equality and no pain and nothing bad ever happens. But in reality, it's a dystopia for exactly that reason. They don't realize that there are bad things that happen, and that they do them every day. Like with the babies."

"Okay, I'm going to stop you there, because not everyone is up to that point, I don't think. But that's a really good answer. Thank you," she smiled at me.

When class ended Jill walked out of class with me and to my locker, where I could finally get rid of my jacket and some of my books that I wouldn't need until later.

"What happens to the babies?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"In the book. What happens to the babies?"

"Oh. Well, are you sure you want me to tell you?" I said, closing my locker.


"Okay. So, babies that don't do well, like won't stop crying or I think if they have twins, one of them is killed. But the adults who do that, don't even realize that's what they're doing. They don't really have a concept of life and death."

"Reallly? That's horrible!" Jill said as we walked into science.

"Oh look. The freak is back," Adam said as we got to our seats. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Adam," Jill said.

"You shut up Jelly Bear," he shot back.

"Why does he call you that? It's hardly insulting." I asked.

"Oh. I have epilepsy and I had a seizure once in school and apparently I kinda growled like a bear. So, Jelly because I flipped around, Bear because I growled."

"Wow. He's so inventive," I rolled my eyes. "So, what do I need to know about your epilepsy?"

"Well, not much, really. I haven't had a seizure in a couple of years. But if I do, just move stuff away from me and try to get me on my side. Then time it. More than five minutes and 911 has to be called. I wear a MedicAlert bracelet, and it has my mom's number on it. What do I need to know about your diabetes?"

"Well, if my sugar goes low, I kinda turn into a bitch. So, if I get mean to you, it could mean my sugar is low. You should probably get the nurse or a teacher. Because I probably won't listen to you if you ask me to check my sugar."

"Okay. So we're both a couple of freaks and we'll look out for each other," she smiled.

I smiled back. Yeah. Jill was definitely worth being friends with.

Science class went better today than yesterday and I even participated a bit.

Social Studies was boring because the Bill of Rights is boring. But, I listened and answered questions. Even Adam couldn't say much. Nurse Taylor called for me towards the end and I gathered my books and headed to her office. Adam made some snide remark about Freak juice and he and his buddies laughed. I ignored them and went to the office.

"Hello Samantha," she said. "How's your morning going?"

"It's okay," I said.

"She speaks!" Nurse Taylor smiled. I laughed.

"I take it you're having a better day today?" She said.

I shrugged.

"Yeah. I guess."

We went over the lunch menu, took my blood sugar and I took my shot.

"Good job. Enjoy the rest of your day," Nurse Taylor said.

"Thanks. You too," I said.

I left the office and Jill was standing outside.

"Ready for lunch?" She asked. I nodded.

I had math after lunch and then PE. I handed the teacher my forms and she told me she'd have a kit for me tomorrow. So I spent the period watching from the bleachers again. I went over some of my math homework and got through some of that while my class ran up and down the court playing basketball.

At the bell I gathered my stuff and went to my locker to get my jacket.

Outside, Jenna was waiting for me again, with Josh. Tyler didn't come.

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