Chapter 46

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Josh taught me the drums while Jenna and Tyler talked to Marie alone.

"You seem distracted," Josh said.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked.

"Well, you, probably," Josh smiled. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What if they're telling her they made a mistake?"

"What do you mean?" Josh asked.

"What if they tell her they don't want me anymore?" I said, chewing on my thumbnail.

"Kid, I can guarantee they are not saying that at all. Those two love you like crazy."

"How do you know?"

"Because they told me. They feel so bad about how your dad treated you and keep saying they wish they'd known about you earlier. Although I'm not sure how that would have helped."

I was quiet.

"Do you want to be here?" He asked me.

"I do. They're amazing. I can't remember the last time I felt so safe. I mean, I'm still having nightmares, but, they're not as bad."

"I know. You haven't woken me up once this week," Josh winked at me.

"Oh haha," I said.

Josh showed me a bit more on the drums and I tried to copy him until Jenna called downstairs that Marie was leaving.

We went back upstairs and I said goodbye to Marie. Then I called Jill and told her she could come over whenever.

Jenna made me test my sugar and take my insulin and we had lunch. Josh told them more about my drum lesson but he didn't say anything about what we talked about.

When I said I couldn't remember the last time I felt safe, and that I felt safe with Jenna and Tyler, and Josh, I meant it.

Jill came over around two.

"Hi!" She said, coming in the door. Josh and Tyler were in the living room, playing video games again.  Jenna was reading a book. I brought Jill into the living room to meet them.

"M-Jenna, Tyler, Josh, this is Jill," I introduced her.

"Hey there, Jill," Jenna said, looking up from her book.

"Hey there Kid's friend," Josh waved. Jill's face dropped. Her jaw looked like it was about to literally drop to the floor.

"Jill, hi," Tyler said, waving and then shooting Josh's character.

"You..." Jill stammered. "You never said..."

"We're going to go up to my room, okay?" I said. Jenna said that was fine and she'd bring a snack up later.

As soon as I closed my bedroom door Jill grabbed my shoulders and looked my in the eye.

"You never said you live with Tyler Joseph!"

"You never asked?" I said.

"Well, why would I ask if Tyler Joseph is your foster dad? How? How is that even possible! Do you have any idea how much I love TwentyOne Pilots?"

"Based on the fact that I think you wear more of their merch than I ever have? No. No clue." I laughed.

"Man, I wish I could go see them in concert. Just once," Jill said.

"Why can't you?" I asked.

"The lights. They can trigger seizures. I've never been to a concert," she said.

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