" Show me what you've got"

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I woke up with a stinging sensation behind my neck and groaned as i got up and touched it to feel the chip. " dang it, this time hurts!" 

" Are you alright? New comer?" An cheerful robotic voice spoke as the monitor that was place that somewhat looked like the chest.

You were too focused on the pain that was slightly holding you back but got frightened by the voice and the presence of a robot standing beside of your bed, your first instinct was to choke them with your powers to manipulate them into using their own hands to choke themselves. Your right hand was still in the air pointing to where the neck was, while your other hand was holding the back of your neck. Sweats were dripping slowly onto the blanket as you heard a few footsteps running into your room. " Y/N !!!" A voice that you recognized yelled for you to stop as you finally lifted you head and focusing on her face. " Hey..Hey shhh i am here.. y/n look at me" Wraith slowly approached you as she raised both of her hands up slowly, showing you that she doesn't have any weapons on her hands. Finally your eyes snapped back at her eyes as you calmed down so much more and dropped your right hand down to free the robot that was struggling earlier. Immediately Wraith rushed towards you and wrapped the blanket around you along with her arms, you panted and gushed for air. " Dr. Mary and Ajay!" they ran to your side as Ajay and the Doctor both checked onto your health. " Hello dear, my name is Mary Somers as known as Horizon! Please remain calm for me dear." A motherly voice pulled your attention to her and Lifeline as Ajay prepared medication with her personal helper drone D.O.C. " Octane, please do a favor and check Pathfinder for me please thank you dearie." Horizon said as she got up and head back for her lab but to stop right at the door frame. " oh uh and dearies, i might have to do a research on this sweet little girl here. And wraith dear?" Wraith looked up at her as she knows what Horizon is going to ask her to do, so she nodded. " I will stay by her side, don't worry." Wraith promised Horizon as the doc left as the same as the rest. " here, take this pill so she won't pass out. Breath easy, don't go hard on yuh self now you hear me?" she gave the pill to wraith and you nodded, still slightly laying your head onto Renee's chest. 

Wraith settled you down as she slightly panicked and started to question herself what to do since she has mostly been on her own, dealing everything on her own. But when it comes to caring for someone else, that's when Wraith doesn't know how to. " Grab the water, feed her the pills and wipe her sweat off with a wet cloth." Wraith heard the voices in her head and followed their voices and exited you room to grab a glass of water and a small bowl then came back in. She placed the glass down onto the nightstand first then the pill, she looked at your weak figure and sighed deeply " No time for that, go fill the bowl with water. And bring a cloth." Wraith shook her head but got up and did what the voices told her to do and gently sat on your bed. She doesn't know why she cares that much for a person she just met, nor she knows why the voices in her head was calling for her to take care of you when she was just known for "emotionless" or "cold". She put the bowl down as she took a look of your face, your brows were still knitted from the pain that you just suffered behind your neck. Your figure was moving constantly as Wraith took a good minute to study your expressions. Wraith's eyes went fully white as she tries to study you more, what she is surprised in was how calm the voices sound when she's around you. How they don't really rush her to do anything or to remind you to stay away from you like others, how the voices easily eased when you're around her. Same thing happened when she's around Wattson but not as calm when she's with you. 

Wraith's eyes studied you features and she takes it all in, your (eye color) that she remembered but now were closed. Your nose that she held herself back from booping it. Your cheeks that She wants to kiss on, your lips that she wants to ki- ' no, stop it Renee. Get yourself together and take care of her.

She slowly scooped her arms behind your neck as she felt the chip. With awareness in her mind, she made sure not to make anymore contact since she guessed how important that part is to you and she didn't want to invade your space or privacy. But she also made a promise to Horizon that she'd take care of you while the Dr runs her own research in her own lab. She slowly positioned herself with her left knee onto the bed and place you onto her lap gently, she then huff out softly, feeling relieved that she didn't wake you up. Wraith dipped the cloth into the bowl and squeezed the water out of the cloth and folds it several times before she runs the cloth across you sweat-covered forehead and the rest on you face. She rinsed the cloth once again as she switched her hand that was occupied holding you in place with the cloth and started to run along your shoulders as she admired how soft it looked and felt, how strong you feel when she traced the collar bone. Soon you nudged you head and woke up by the sudden sensation that you just felt and snapped back looking at Wraith while you covered the chip. " It's me, it's me." Wraith said as she was also surprised by the sudden movement. " here, take the pill." Wraith got up as she took the glass and the pills then handed it to you as your eyes followed her movements. Still in a confused state, you took the pills anyway. " she trusts you." The voices in Wraith's head ringed once again as she smiled. you looked wearily at she before asking her what happened and how long you've been knocked out for. 

Then you noticed her eyes and asked her " What's with your eyes? why are they white? did i hurt you?" you asked, feeling uneasy for the reason that you might've hurt a legend when you just freshly joined the Apex Legends. Wraith quickly recovered her eyes back to normal as she took the glass from your hand in silence, it made you feel even more uneasy and worried. " Wraith." you spoke but she cut you " My name is Renee Blasey.....Renee Hope Blasey..." and there she goes again with her eyes, you immediately held her face with your hand and looked closer into her eyes. Renee couldn't help but to get taken back by the distance between your face and hers as she tried to look the other way but you pulled her back anyways. " Renee, answer me. Please?" She actually didn't know she she told her real name to you and didn't know why she couldn't control herself for opening up herself to you that fast. Maybe because the voice told her that you trust her, and she might as well trust you. But in the end she wasn't so sure either. " it's when i hide my emotions or thoughts." Renee answered, she tried to come harsh but it's useless to you. For a moment of staring into each other's eyes, Renee finally asked. " You're not scared..?" For a moment here Renee thought that she could scare you off with here eyes as if that would do for everyone but she was wrong about you. You're fearless. Like a lion, you would always face the fear. That's when you crawled to her slowly, and wraith really abit amusing since no-one really had the expression that you had or the fearless trait that you have. This is different, you are. when you got close enough to her right ear, you whispered...

 " Show me what you've got."

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