The two turned to face everyone in the room. Clay looked at George and beamed. George could only cross his arms and blink in confusion.

Clay cleared his throat and explained, "Nick and I grew up together in the streets. He was my best friend before I thought he died and Wilbur took me and my sister."

There was an awkward silence. No one knew what to say. Sapnap sighed and muttered, "If someone doesn't say something, I'm gonna start cutting throats."

Everyone visibly stiffened and Sapnap sighed. "I'm kidding, guys, geez." He turned to Clay and muttered, "Tough crowd."

Clay's shoulders shook with laughter. He and Sapnap took their seats and turned to George. George's mouth opened and closed, unsure of what to say. He cleared his throat, but Tubbo spoke up.

"Hey, Gogy, why are there two serial killers sitting next to me?" Tubbo asked, his voice squeaking as he glanced between Sapnap and Clay.

"Don't worry kid, I don't bite," Sapnap said with a playful wink.

"I do!" Tommy shouted, "I bite, so you better stay away from Tubbo, you bitch!"

Sapnap gave Tommy and amused glance before nudging Clay in his side and muttering something to which Clay laughed. George felt confused and something similar to jealousy, but he shoved the thoughts aside and picked up a stack of folders.

"Uh, these are the files that we have on Wilbur from when he was arrested," George said, handing the folders out.

Clay's hand brushed his when he gave him the folder. His skin tingled for as he turned away after a long moment of eye contact. Sapnap gagged and kicked Clay's leg. Clay broke his stare from George's to glare at Sapnap.

George walked back to the front of the room and cleared his throat. He said, avoiding Clay's eyes, "Now that you have the files, I will give you guys your positions on the team. Zak, Jack, and Tommy will be doing all the research on Wilbur. When we actually go out on the mission, you three will hang back and watch security cameras and direct the field team on coms."

George paused to give them time to digest the information. He took a breath and continued, "Niki and Tubbo will be going to the station in Miami for some meetings for a week about possible other killers that might be connected to Wilbur. By the time you two get back, we should be ready to go out into the field. At that time, you guys will give us any new information on Wilbur. You will also be analyzing any evidence that we find."

George looked to the last three: Sapnap, Alex, and Clay. He figured Alex wasn't comfortable using his real name on a mission, so George said, "Quackity, Sapnap, Dream and I will be on the field... we'll split into two teams. Sapnap and Quackity and me and Dream. Sapnap and Quackity will go after Wilbur. Dream and I will be finding and retrieving Dream's sister. Does everyone understand?"

No one said nothing and Sapnap raised his hand comedically. George scoffed. "Yes, Sapnap?"

"Is our mission to kill?"

"No," George replied steadily, "if guns are needed, you are to shoot to wound, not to kill."

"We're getting guns?"

George hesitated before nodding. Sapnap shrugged and muttered, "Do we get knives, though? I'm better with those."

Clay nodded and George sighed. "Fine, but you do know what's on the line for you, right Sapnap?"

Sapnap rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, life in prison if I misbehave. But don't worry, I don't plan on messing around." Sapnap turned serious, "Clay's sister is like family to me, I would never put her in danger."

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