The Snowflakes/Parthenia

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I don't think he meant it," Fluttershy said, and the fairy turned to her, amazed that someone could understand. It fluttered into her hands as she said, "I can fix this."

With gentle fingers, she unbent the wing. The fairy flew away almost instantly.

"No thank you?" Applejack said. "Now that's rude."

The Nutcracker then went to a wall of solid ice, trying to break through with his sword. 

"There's no way out," the Nutcracker told the girls grimly. 

"Hooray, we're stuck," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she saw a horde of snow fairies coming behind them. 

"Not for much longer," Pinkie said smugly. 

The snow fairies started dancing across the area they were, occasionally trying to get someone to dance with them. 

"Yeah... no," Rainbow Dash said, but Sunset swore for a second that she saw Rainbow Dash's feet, which were hidden behind snow, doing a couple steps. 

What did that girl do with her free time?

"No, I don't dance," Clara said when the little fairy tried to get her to do a simple step. The fairy did the step again, and Clara mimicked it partially before quitting. The fairies kept dancing around the group though, and just before the finale, got the Nutcracker and Clara to be even closer together. 

"Talk about shippers," Sunset whispered to Rainbow Dash.

The fairies flew to the wall and shattered it, revealing bright light.

"I guess that was the thank you," the Nutcracker shrugged as Clara looked around for the fairies. 

"Where'd they go?" she asked. 

"Probably off to make a blizzard somewhere," Rainbow Dash joked. 

"Do you have any respect for stuff like this?" Twilight asked. 

"Um, no, considering I think I already know how this is gonna end," Rainbow Dash stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets as they started walking, but Fluttershy swore she saw flowers growing in Clara's footprints. 

The group stopped at a cliff, looking out at the land around them. 

"Welcome to Parthenia!" the Nutcracker waved his hand in flourish to the kingdom. 

"This is that sugar world, isn't it?" Sunset asked Pinkie, who nodded in excitement. 

"Pinkie's gonna overload," Rarity said. "I just know it."

"The snow isn't even cold," Clara said, holding a handful. "The trees smell like peppermint... and the sky is so blue."

Pinkie started hyperventilating. 

"Pinkie, you're banned from watching this movie again, okay?" Applejack said, holding back Pinkie before she went on a sugar craze. "Because it's clear that we can just travel into this movie now."

"Parthenia will only be a memory if the Mouse King gets his way," the Nutcracker said. 

"And you're sure only the Sugar Plum Princess can stop him?" Clara asked. 

"Positive," the Nutcracker replied. 

"Ten bucks says Clara's this Sugar Plum Princess," Rainbow Dash turned to Sunset, and the bet was on. 

The group started walking down a path that sloped off the cliff, unaware of the bat that was watching them. 

"Hmm," Pimm said, then gasped when he saw Rainbow Dash speeding ahead of the gang. "A girl with powers? Seems unlikely."

He started flying away and to the Mouse King's castle. 

"What is it, Pimm?" the Mouse King asked. 

"I wish I could remember..." Pimm said, being very overdramatic. "But I'm so hungry... I feel weak--no, faint!"

He fainted to the floor, one of his eyes still watching the Mouse King. 

"You insolent little bat!" the Mouse King shouted. "I should turn you into a ceiling fan!"

Pimm smirked as he started walking away. 

"I guess, but then I won't tell you about the magical girl," he said. "And some other gossip I overheard."

The Mouse King rolled his eyes but swung a tray of food Pimm's way, who ate it all in a couple seconds. 

"Okay, so there are nine travelers," Pimm began. "One of them is the Nutcracker."

"He's here?!" the Mouse King cried. 

"With eight other girls," Pimm continued. "Seven of the eight look like they came straight from a rainbow, with one of them--which for some reason has her hair in the colors of the rainbow--going so fast, as if by magic."

"Those girls are here too?" the Mouse King stood in fear and anger.

"Er, yes, but I don't know where they came from," Pimm stuttered. "All I know is that they're looking for the Sugar Plum Princess."

"The Sugar Plum Princess?" the Mouse King asked. "I've never heard of such a thing."

He turned to a guard. 

"Bring me the royal registry!" he ordered. "And bring me the Nutcracker and those seven girls. I'd like to have a little word with them about their magic."

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