32 3 1

"K, now run girl. Your boyfriend is waiting for ya."
Terra punched his shoulder with a red face and ran away, leaving a rolling Gar. He finally stopped and looked at her retreating figure. Once she was out of the frame, he once again looked at the mansion. He recalled what the old lady said.

"As beautiful as this place looks like, it has it's own secrets."

'What secrets are you hiding, Raven.'


"No, no! Not like this! Uh, just- just... Give it to me!" Steve yelled in frustration. Gar shrugged nonchalantly and threw the washing cloth away.

Today, Steve was on a holiday. He wanted to spend more time with his son and so he thought why not go fishing? Steve has a love for outdoor activities. He loves exercising, playing sports, fishing and whatever he can do out in sun.

Gar, whereas, was the complete opposite. He is more of an inside person, eat snacks, lay on the couch, play video games. That's what he loves!

At first, Gar threw a tantrum when Steve asked him to come fishing with him. He tried every possible excuse he could come up with.

'It's too hot outside.'
'Fishing is for grandpas.'
'I will burn my skin if I went outside.'
'Oh, I just got to know that yesterday I broke my wrist. Sorry, can't come.'

But, none of them worked. Steve was determined to get him out in sun. Eventually Rita stood in between.

"Gar you shouldn't miss the opportunity to spend some time with your Father. It's not everyday that you can have quality time with Dad, don't miss the chance!"

Gar was somehow able to drag himself to the backyard. Steve has a boat, but it was a little dirty. It's been awhile since he used it.

Now Gar was a man on a mission.

"Look, this is how it's done!" Steve exclaimed, shoving the clean washing cloth in front of his face. Gar scrunched it nose.

"Okay, okay I got it. Are we done yet?" Gar asked with a bored expression. Steve sighed.
"Yes we are done."


"You ready?" Steve asked. Gar shrugged and attached his bait on the hook, "I guess."

Steve nodded and did the same as Gar, "1, 2, 3 Throw!"

They stayed there for hours but none of them caught. There was a thick awkward atmosphere in between them. Steve was whistling trying to ignore it while Gar was trying to stay awake. The sun was on top of their heads and the only thing protecting their eyes from burning was the straw hats Steve bought them before coming here. 

'I'm definitely gonna have sunburns after this.'  He thought. 'Should have added more sun cream.'

"So uh... you caught something?" Steve asked nervously. Gar turned to him with his eyes narrowed and hissed. "Do you see anything?" 


"So why are you asking. Obviously I hadn't caught a single goddamn fish! And my skin is on fire-"

"I told you, a little sun block wasn't enough."

"-and I am bored out of mind. There are so many better things I could be doing right now but I am STUCK TRYING TO CATCH SOME STUPID FISHES!"

Gar huffed and adjusted his rod on boat and folded his arms. Steve repeated it and turned to face Gar, "So how about we talk, Eh? Sounds good?"

Gar just grunted in response. Steve took that as a yes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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