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"Gar? Sweetie come down for dinner!" Gar's mom yelled from downstairs. He sighed again and ran his hand through his blonde hair.

"Coming!" He yelled back and placed the sketch book back at the place and sprint towards the door room. But, before he leaves he turned back and smirked.

'I will make sure to make her drawing perfect. To make her smile.


"So Gar, what are your plans for your summer break?" Rita asked as she served her son his favorite meal. Gar shrugged. 

'Plans to annoy a certain Richie rich girl version.'  

"Nothing much. Just gonna hang out with my friends and play video games whole day." He replied and didn't waste anytime in eating his dinner. Rita sighed sadly.

"Gar, you need to get over this video game obsession. It's unhealthy for both your body and eyes. Not to mention it-"

"Rots your brain." He mocked his mother while rolling his eyes. Rita was fed of his behavior. She angrily stomped her foot and stood up, slammed her fists on the wooden table. 

"You will not watch any television or video games this whole summer and if I caught you sneaking you won't like it." She ordered and Gar gulped, vigorously nodded. Her eyes soften and she sat down on her chair and resumed her dinner. 

"And of course you need to practice for festival too. You are playing this time, you need to be ready." She told him. 

"But, its like three months away! Why practice now?" He dramatically leaned back on his chair. Both of his parents chuckled. 

"Because you clearly haven't even touched your practice sheets yet. You are chosen this year. You have to make a good impression in front of everyone. Imagine how dumb you would look standing on the stage in front of the whole town, and not knowing what to play." 

Rita nudged Steve and pointed at Gar who was looking terrified. 

"Ignore him dear. And don't worry, I know you are great with music and you will nail the show." Rita encouraged. Gar sighed and nodded. The rest of dinner went in silence. 

-----------------------------------------------*Next Day*-------------------------------------------------------

Sun shone brightly, but Gar's smile was brighter. He quickly threw his towel that landed at some corner of his dirty room. 

'Today will be fun!

His day was fixed. Jogging through the same lane, he hummed whatever came in his mind. Gar greeted whoever came in his way, and they returned his excitement. Finally stopping in front of the wall, Gar carefully started climbing it. 

This time he knew he won't make fun of himself in front of her. He would try talking to her and luckily, might see her smile?

"Oof!" Gar sat on the top with a loud huff. He looked down and was surprised. 

"Wow, I was lucky to not break some bones when I fell from here" He quietly muttered to himself. He jumped off and landed right on top of soft bush. Although, he did felt some sharp branches poking his shorts. He wasn't hurt. 

He tip toed towards the bench. But, she wasn't there. He furrowed his brows in confusion. He looked around, still admired the beauty of the mansion, but she was nowhere. 

'Is she...'

"I think I told you not to come back." 

Gar shrieked and turned to quickly and slipped on the moisten grass, landing on his butt. He tightly shut his eyes in pain and pursed his lips from making any sound. 

He slowly opened his eyes. and then saw her.

He was in same outfit as yesterday. Light pink sundress that reached just above her knees and a white colored cardigan on top of it. Her raven black hair were resting freely on her shoulder as her electrifying blue eyes were glaring at his fallen figure. She had her arms folded against her chest and was looking very, very angry. 

"Oop...?" Gar said, but it sounded more like a question. She continued glaring at him. 

"I didn't heard you yesterday." He lied. Her glared deepened. 

"Fine, I just wanted to meet you again!" 'And annoy you.' He added the last part in his mind and saw as her posture became stiff. But, just for few minutes. Soon she was back to a very pissed Raven.

"But I don't want to meet you again." She said coldly. Gar was hurt but quickly covered it with a goofy smile. 

"Awww it's adorable that you think you had a choice." He said and he knew she was getting riled up. 

"And it's irritating that you think you can come barging in MY house without my permission." Raven said and frustration was clear in her voice. Gar smirked. 

'It's working.'

"But baby, don't you love me?" He whined in a very annoying voice. She was fuming and glared at him harder.

"First of all, don't call me that. Second of all, we just met yesterday and third of all, you are annoying. So now, leave." She said with an ice laced voice. 

"I am not annoying, I am cute." He said, and mocked as if he was offended. "All girls find me cute!"

"Then those girls are dumb." She said in a periodt tone. 

"Come on, at least help me up!" Gar quickly changed topic. Raven rolled her eyes and shook her head. He just sat there and waited for her milky smooth hand to come, but it never did. He looked at her and she was looking down at him. 

"Aren't you gonna give me your hand?" He asked. 
"No." Raven deadpanned.

Gar was about to get up, when suddenly as idea popped inside his small brain. 

"Then I am not getting up." He whined again and pouted. He folded his legs in an Indian style position and glared up at her, who returned the gesture. 

None of them moved for minutes, just stood (And sat) there glaring at each other waiting for the other to give up. Both of them were stubborn and no one wanted to give up. Raven was getting very annoying right now and Gar's back was paining. 

After another long minute, Raven sighed. Her arms dropped. Gar smiled. He knew he won. She glared at him once again and hesitantly small hand in front of him. Gar gladly took it. 

'It's so soft!

Raven pushed him up a little and he finally stood up. 




Fireworks of Summer (That Summer, When I Met Her)Where stories live. Discover now