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"Bit harsh aren't we?" Jupiter asked me, as i slammed the desk drawer open. I ignored the question, as i grabbed purple ink from inside. It honestly should be a howler that I wrote but I'll just hope salty scratches them. Those damn fools. I clicked my tongue when I heard Emily enjoyment as she tossed out the slimed ravenclaw. The girlc, herself, let out a scream as she landed onto the stone ground. Hopeful she'll get found by a monster.

"Nonsense, If they ask for foolish things they get treated like a fool" i tutted as Jupiter stood behind me. It's so annoying, i drop the bluejay quill. Not wanting to break it when I'm this stressed, it works quite nice.

People shouldn't ask stupid questions.

"You made Emily get covered in slug slime" Jupiter sighed causing Emily Patterson head to snap at us. I watch as Her curls danced and bobed around her head, Jupiter snorted.

"She's going to get herself hurt one of these days." He mused out as he leaned against my chair. Lean back, pinning him to the wall. Maybe i punctured something.

"Don't fret boss. These babies can handle any England fatty!" Emily said with a toothy grin as she flexed her arms, i grimace, glancing over the tan and muscled arms that splatter the yellow slime off into the floor.

"Ugh! Dmitry slaughter this mudblood" Elizabeth Burke huffed in her painting glaring at a grinning Emily. I pinched my nose and pointed a index finger at the slime.

No, perfect timing for Elizabeth. No really lovely time I should make us all some tea.

How easy the green substance disappeared, made me wish I could do the same with Burke's complaints. I loved the aesthetics that Mrs.Bruke gave the room and when alone she could give decent advice but allow a mudblood or halfblood in the room. Mrs.Bruke would throw a hissyfit.

If she didn't hold some strange affection for me, she probably would've snitched to grand ole headmaster Dumbledore about the business. I've figured Mrs Bruke could've possibly been in the market when she was a teen. Maybe even created it, or just respected my hustle. Whatever it was, i tried to keep it that way.

"Mrs.bruke, without our little mudblood here we wouldn't have a safety net." I whispered, trying to reason with her. Emily was pretty thick in the head but she had to know the word scrape-goat. I'm not exactly sure what mudbloods learn at their schools but must be basic English right?

I've grown tire of Mrs.Brukes attacks on Emily. I didn't care what became of Patterson but I didn't want to see or hear it. Emily was like a stupid dog, came to every call and obeyed.

She was a very strong dog, with a nice laugh- bark. Emily was also a skilled witch at defensive magic. I kept her around just for that mainly, like a shield.

Be it business or dueling Emily was my defence. she took the falls, while I gave the shots.

She never questioned orders either and was willing to do anything. I'm was sure in years time Emily could, if I wished,  kill for me. I didn't want that now, but in time it could come in handy. Never know what the future holds.

Mrs Bruke huffed at my words and went mutter to herself before becoming silent. I didn't bother looking behind but i expected bruke to be gone from her painting.

The light from the torches above the head flickered onto the purple walls, Giving a pinkish glow over the room.
I noticed Emily about to open her mouth but she quickly stopped when my hand went up.

"Be quite, Patterson I'm writing."

"To who?" Jupiter asked, leaning more closely over my shoulder. I could smell mint on his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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