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Tying back my hair I felt the usual pre-performance jitters start to kick in. though what most would call cruel, this was a job was like addiction. My fingers tingle, releasing the bits and pieces of energy that had begun to build up. I close my eyes channeling it into my wand pointed at the fat 7th year. Though I was a confident witch the idea of being punished for my actions caused my heart to flutter. Growing up in my household you weren't punished for your bad actions but being caught.

My mother instilled the proper craftiness of a woman of high social rank. The curse made a sizzling sound as it hit, the grey sparks biting the boy. Stop moving. It'll hurt less. I hated pain. The sounds it caused was unpleasant, usually I wore my charmed earmuff to dull it. I couldn't take the chance. Since school started Madeline heard teachers whispers about the curses students were falling under.  Main concern was about poor harry potter. Rolling her eyes at the thought. The boy who lived have took over the headmaster's and teacher's hearts. Nothing he did was wrong, he got points for breathing. Just a few weeks in, Gryffindor for the first time in years were just a few points behind. 

I turned on my heels, books collected in bag as I headed out the door. I pulled at my tie; the bright red shifted to a soothing green. Transfiguration clothes was a breeze, if you knew what you were doing, Transfiguration is art. Its complex if you didn't know what to do.  I've worked hard being the top witch in my transfiguration class, hard enough that I don't even to speak to change items.

My professor, Minerva McGonagall, my idol, was the perfect teacher. Since day one I've begged her to do one on one teaching with me. I think this year I'll wear her down. She wasn't very fond of my thoughts of Gamp's Law, but I do at time's make her smile.

Catching my breath when I enter the common room. Now with my job over I took a seat, leaning my head on the soft couch. I stared into the bright fire, reflecting on the lively weeks of school, nine Wimble Rumble and two Cantis. An easy workload. I wonder if the other Hex girls had such easy jobs.

My boredom felt like it was strangling me, as I lay on the common room couch. The room was empty, everyone else was eating dinner or hanging out in the library. Most students didn't fill in til six, another half hour of total torture. A small mew caught my ears, looking down to see yellow eyes. There he is, my baby boy, salty. The white cat climbed up, curling into my lap. A letter tucked in his collar. I frowned seeing the red ink and glitter, in an instanced I burned it. I didn't need that anymore.

Why couldn't it be midnight already? Another three hours doing nothing could kill me. Of course, i could go out early, maybe even find the other two targets that were on the list for the week. No one would say anything to me for roaming the dungeons, but ever since last week, Snape had been roaming around the dungeons around 7am to 10pm. No one really knew why, but according to the head girl, Orchid, it was an order by headmaster Dumbledore.

What an ugly name, Orchid. Mind wandered from the unfortunate named girl to load of schoolwork I've receive. While Professors seemed to be piling the work, I'm quite disappointed by the lack of drama. Not much was talked about beside the arrival of Harry Potter but ive had quickly lost interest in it.  Speaking of first year's, I talked to them, beside Daphne Greengrass, who complement my shoes at breakfast.

Im slight upset, Theodore hadn't tried to speak to me, nor had my fiancé which I'm not surprised on that part. He never tried before and i didn't expect him to now, but it wouldn't hurt to at least to surprise a girl. Theodore on the other hand, he had no reason to act shy. I thought I was doing the right thing? Gave him space, I didn't want to seem like an overbearing sister.

It's not like first years had loads of work unlike myself. I'm already swimming in work mainly from ghoul studies and runes class. And don't even think about Potions and Transfigurations classes. If I wasn't so interested in the classes I would surely be a failing student. Sighing I moved to place all my work on the glass table in front of me.

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