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Alisa pov~

Seeing her look into my eyes with fear made me feel so great. She was pathetic but her whines were so cute.

"Please give it to me, I need you. I want to please you just touch me more!"

I grinned pulling her closer kissing down her neck softly. I only had one thing in mind to make these motherfuckers pay for hurting her. I ran my fingers up her dress slipping my hand into her panties, she was dripping.


She was smarter than she looked, I smirked pulling my fingers out pushing them into her mouth. "You see how wet you are for me? It's so cute" she sucked. God, I wanted to fuck her badly. I pulled them out going back down rubbing her clit leaving marks on her chest.

"May record this?"

Y/n pov~

I froze. She wanted to record us?? I looked into her eyes I felt so safe. I knew this could back fair but I didn't care.


She pointed the camera in my face smiling. "Show and tell them how much you want me~"

Who were they? But my mind went blank and I did was I was told. I whined thrusting my hips to her fingers "I want you Alisa~, please touch me. I need it I need you!" she dropped the phone covering my mouth slipping two fingers in. I moaned loudly into her hand as I felt myself lose full control. Her fingers were like magic I wanted more.

"You're such a mess"

She removed her hand pulling my hair back. I held back I couldn't risk getting caught, she let go as she picked up the phone calling someone? My heart was racing as I recognized the voices.

"Alisa I'm in class what do you need? And why are you calling all of us?" Kotaro asked.

"I just wanted to show how much better I am at everything than you guys. How much of a fuck up y'all are" they were stunned at her words. She looked at me. It's like she was asking me with her eyes if she could. I nodded feeling my stomach tighten, I was about to cum.

"Alisa what are--"

I was a mess my mascara was running down my face and my bra was open to anyone who could walk by. I threw my head back as I came "fuck!" she turned the camera back to her smirking.

"You know she does have a great voice ko. But y'all are idiots for messing with her, now I'm gonna show her what she's been missing. Don't wait up"

She ended the call. My legs closed I had come on her fingers and I started to drip down to my thighs. She got on her knees cleaning me up, I was out of breath. "You did great I'm so proud now don't worry your pretty head about anything" her tone was so soft.

She had cleaned me up and fixed my face. We sat down and talked till the bell rang, this was the best aftercare. She kissed my forehead before she walked to her next class. But in my luck, I had a class with kenma I was nervous I promised him I wouldn't do this anymore.

"So, how was being a whore?"
I hit his arm as I sat down. He could be so harsh sometimes I talked to him about everything. "So you have a crush on her?"

"I don't know! Maybe she was so sweet and stuff" I put my head down. Maybe kenma is right I should take my time. After class, we meet up with the others there faces were bright red. But they didn't say anything we just sat down at the table, this was our free period. None of us spoke a word. I saw kuroo wasn't with us this time, I still hadn't given him the letter. But I knew that was the closure I needed.

So why couldn't I just do it?

I was shaken out of my thoughts when bokuto poked my arm. "Um so do you wanna hang out with me and Tanaka after school? He'll give you a free tat!"

I smiled "sure" maybe I needed to get out of the house more anyway. He hugged me tightly, we talked after that about our days, Skipping the facetime call that happened. After school, I had gone to the tattoo parlor with bokuto. And he was right I did get a free tattoo, I had gotten a red heart something small.

"Thanks, man"

"No problem firecracker. But I gotta close up shop"
We nodded grabbing our things as we walked back home. We passed kuroos ex on the way up, I knew I had to do this sooner or later. I walked in setting my things down I took a deep breath looking at Kenma holding my letter. He gave a slight smile. I knocked on his door he opened it moving to the side.

I walked in sitting on the bed silently. We sat there together quite I sat up " I still have feelings for you but... I can't keep doing this to myself" I said looking at him. He just gave me a nod I sighed handing him the note " I will always love you, you were my first everything. But you broke our promise and I have to m-move on" I wiped the tears falling.

"Y/n I never meant to hurt you."

I looked away I had to be strong " Yet you did. Maybe in another life, we could have worked just not in this lifetime" I stood up and walked to the door.

" I hated myself for still loving you, but the truth was. I was only holding on to the past... This is my closure"

I walked out and I fell into kenma arms. "I'm so proud" he kissed my forehead holding me close. I felt my heartbreak all over again. But this was for the best right?

Kuroo pov~

"Fuck me"
I sighed laying back. Time had passed and I was still staring at that letter, should I open it? I keep thinking over and over. When I heard everyone go to sleep I sat at my desk opening the letter

Dear kuroo,

I don't know where to start but thank you for giving me the best 3 years. But you hurt me in a way I thought you would never, you broke a promise. And I hate myself that I don't hate you for everything you put me through. But I'm done I'm don't with the fighting with the arguing. I'm letting you go so you need to let me go as well, you can't run off every guy I try to have a chance with. I know I love you, just not In the same way anymore I wish you the best. Maybe in another life, we could be together because I know this is not where it's supposed to end but it is. A friend is all I can call you now.

Goodbye kuroo.

I threw the letter off my desk slamming my hands down. I hate that hurt this way everything way fault and I knew it, I fucked up so much. "I still love you" so why did I put you through all of this. I laid down as I called Alisa

"Just treat her better than I ever did"
And I hung up. That was all I had to say, she was right maybe in another life. After that, I had fallen asleep.


I had woken up to the sound of yelling?

"Stop! Take off my shirt I need to go to work!"
It was y/n she was chasing Bokuto around the room. I smiled walking into the kitchen. "Did you read it?"

I turned to kenma giving him a nod "Good now don't fuck up being friends. She moved on now you need to" he was right but still ouch. I hugged him before he pushed me off. I walked to her pulling her outside.

" I read your letter"
I held my body over the ledge looking at her. I smiled grabbing her hand "can we still be friends?"

She looked at me like she had just seen me naked. After a few seconds, she smiled at me "I would like that. Thanks for understanding"

"Of course. I promise from now on I will keep my word" I hugged her as I let off a breath of relief. She finally broke our cycle. Maybe it was for good?

Maybe we were only meant to be friends in the end.

And maybe I still loved her. But I had already messed up my chance was gone...

Thank you so much for reading! I hoped you enjoyed the story as much as I loved writing it. I know that is not the ending many didn't want but as they said "maybe in another life"

Check out my other stories❤️

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