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1st POV y/n~

"cute shirt also"
I was so flustered I was skipping and crossing my sentences. I walked to the bathroom to gather myself, was he flirting? My heart was racing we were so close to each other. I walked out after getting my thoughts together, walking to the kitchen. Kuroo came in front of me "Y/n can we please talk." but more importantly I was not ready for this talk.

We walked outside. "Kuroo to be honest I don't wanna hear it. We texted and called every day and you were just banging some chick! You didn't cheat yea. But you promised, you've never broken a promise"

I rubbed my head. "Look I know fucked up, I do love you just not the same way you think. I know this is very shitty of me but it's better, to be honest. Then to keep lying to you."

I scoffed "honest? Really you wanna be honest. Fine let's be honest; kuroo I don't even want to look or talk to you. What kinda person does this, you repulse me. We're done with this conversation, I have nothing more to say. Stay out of my way and ill stay out of yours."

I pushed passes him walking back in. It was true I had nothing more to say, it hurt so much to hear him say that he didn't love me anymore. Regardless I can't mope over him, I need a distraction something to get my mind off him.
But what can I do?....

•month later•

This summer was so boring, I've been stuck in a house with 4 guys. It's not exactly a fun town, they're a mess. Emma was right they leave trash everywhere plus they never clean the bathroom! I was tired of it.
They all came running out like rabbits. "Huh? Who died !??"
"No one you idiots, this apartment is a mess! Y'all need to clean it up"

They all groaned, "fineeeee"
I smiled as they grabbed bags and cleaning supplies. They worked from the hallways to the middle.
"Hey, so I heard of a new club, we could go to"
I looked at akaashi." clubs? Sorry, can't go not 21 and not my scene." I laughed. "You don't have to be it's 18 up you just can't drink but don't worry we got you. come on!!"
He whined wiping the table off.

I smiled. "I don't drink actually"
They all look at me like I was crazy, "like you never have or?" "oh I have I just don't like it"
They were surprised. I just laughed it off, I got up cleaning the kitchen up. It was a mess because of me anyway, I do most of the cooking now, we only do take-out if I'm exhausted.

•2 hours later•

Finally, we were done cleaning. The apartment looked better than ever, I was so pleased. I sat down by kenma laying my head on his lap. "So, I wanna ask you guys a favor."

1st POV Bokuto~

"Sure what Is it?"
She piqued my interest she never asked us anything, I leaned closer, "I need you to help me, help me get over him."
I raised my eyebrow, I didn't know how we could be much help. Unless she meant- "like I need some excitement in my life, I want to do something crazy!"
I looked away embarrassed, I was thinking of something way different.

"Well, what haven't you done?"
Akaashi asked looking up from his phone. "Nothing I mean I've kissed someone, snuck out; stolen something. But Still."
I was stunned she didn't take as the type to steal, I sat up "wanna party then?"
"Like we throw one?"
I chuckled she was so adorable it was funny. "We could or I could ask around dummy"
"Well, that could work." she smiled
"Ok then give me a moment."

I stood up walking to my room, I pulled my phone out.
"I got the perfect person"

Princess 🍃

Hey, what are you doing Friday night?

[Princess 🍃]
Nothing just hanging out with suna. Why?

Because wanna throw a party?! I'll bring the drinks and cups!.

[Princess 🍃]
Fine. You better bring everything, the cabin at 7:00 ill take care of the rest.
You owe me.

Yes yes, thank you!!
I owe you!.
Love you!!

"Thank YOU!"
I smiled, she needs this more than anyone. I was glad to help her, I walked out. "Need anything else?"
She tapped her chin, as we all laughed. "I wanna get a tattoo!"  "wow someone's bold, ok let's go then"
"Wait right now!?"

"Yes right now, let's go."
I grabbed my keys. She was startled, but still, she put her shoes on. I smiled as we all walked out, "the place inst that far we can walk"

When we got there I opened the door for her "lady's first"
We walked in, I went to the front looking around. "Hey is Aran in today?" I asked the manager. "he's on break, but Tanaka's in right now". I smiled, "that's perfect, can he take a walk-in? But not for me for this lady over there."

She nodded. "Great, y/n come with me."
I took her hand walking to his booth. "Hey man"
He stood up quickly dropping his food "shit man you scared me. Damn, I was gonna eat that. But oh? Who this your girlfriend?".

Ist POV y/n~

"No no ha, we're just pals." my cheeks were burning. Was bokuto hot, yes but I would never say that. He's still kuroo friend and unlike him ill respect that. "Sorry sorry, but what brings y'all in" I looked up, this man was covered in tattoos head to toe. I saw he had scars along his hands; he wore black sweats and a shirt that revealed his physique quite pleasingly.

I snapped out of my head when bokuto shook me. "You ok? You know We can do this some other time"
"No sorry I just got distracted, let's do this!"
Tanaka smirked. "Alright firecracker take a seat here"
I sat down. "Now I'll show you my work and you can pick one or we can make you something different."
I took the iPad from him looking through it. After a couple of pictures something caught my eye, it was a flower but it had a sword going throwing the middle as some of the petals fell off. It reminded me of me, I smiled showing him it. "This one!"

He smiled "ok firecracker nice choice now where do you want it?"
I looked at bokuto I was unsure of the wear put it. "How about on your thigh?"
I thought about it for a moment. "Yea ok my thigh"
After that, I sighed a waver, and Tanaka got to work. I held bokuto had tightly, this hurt a lot. It made me tear up, But I won't give up now. "You got this, you can squeeze as hard as you want."

It had been an hour already, "almost there firecracker, just 10 minutes left"
I held bokuto close as I held and squeezed his hand. "You're doing great, "
I smiled. And 10 minutes later I was done, I was so glad it was over. "Take a look" I sat up looking in the mirror "holy shit, that's awesome!"
I was happy with the way it came out, all that pain was for something good. "You look even more badass."

I smiled bokuto was right I did look badass. "Ok let's wrap you then go to the front."
I smiled as we finished up. When we got back and kenma and akaashi were surprised. They didn't expect me to go through with it. " ok here are instructions to keep it clean and how to take care of it. Now how are we paying?"
"Can I do card and cash?" he nodded. I had some cash left might as well use it. "Wait before y'all pay do you want anything else done? Or even y'all two over there"

"Uh, for me no. But kenma~"
"No no no, I'm just here for support"
I rolled my eyes. "Maybe next month bro" after that we paid. "Oh shit, I forgot my phone give me a second" I walked back looking around. Where is it!? I found it when my phone rang? I picked it up "Hello?"

My eyes widen. I hung up the phone running back to the front. "Wow, what's wrong ?" "We have to go,"
"Why!? Ok, calm down What happened"
I took a deep breath. "Kuroo just got into a bar fight. Bo, We have to go get him from the police station."

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