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Tw -blood, cuts

3rd POV~

They all ran to the police station, " hello, what can I do for y'all?"
"Hi um, "y/n was trying to speak but she was out of breath from the run. "Do y'all need a doctor? Miss are you ok?" the officer asked. "Sorry, we're here for kuroo Tetsurou. I got a call he was arrested"
Y/n stood there waiting for their response. " listen, kids just wait here, and ill go check"

They all sat down waiting. "What the fuck did he do," akaashi mumbled. "Y/n L/n?" she stood up when a woman came over handing her papers. "What's all this ma'am?"
"His files, the bail is 500."
"Thank you" y/n sat down looking through everything. "He owes 700 bucks in damage!??" She yelled.

They all thought about their options. Y/n saw that she was on his files as "emergency contact". "So what now I don't have 500 on me" kenma explained. Y/n rolled her eyes, signing the rest of the paper walking up to the front. She pulled out a checkbook writing out the  bail amount, she stood there till he came out."Let's go."

That was the last thing y/n said till they got back to the house. When they got home everyone immediately went to their rooms. "Kuroo stay" she spoke. He was frightened, he didn't know what she's was about to do.

She brought him to the bathroom. "Take your clothes off," y/n snapped. Kuroo stood there stunned "why.."
"You have cuts and bruise everyone. Take it off" she demand. Without another word, he took off his shirt and pants. She sighed looking at his body.

Kuroo had cuts on his arms and side; a bruise on his chest and a cut on his face right under his eye. This was was gonna be a long night, she sat him down on the toilet.

1st POV y/n~

It was late and even an hour later I was still cleaning his body. There was blood on his shirt and face, he hissed when wiped his cuts. "I'm sorry" he muttered. "Just don't move". I cleaned his chest off, taking the clothes to the washer. He stood up when I came back "Yes Im sorry for moving but I'm sorry for scaring you when I was in jail. And for causing you this trouble"

"It's fine, your out that's all that matters to me" I cleaned the last cut. Wrapping him up "now don't get these wet for 3 days, ill give you medicine every 4 hours. Just rest for now" he looked down at me worried. "Why are you doing all of this for me, I've been an asshole" 

" Because I still care about you!! Ok, and when I got that call my heart dropped. I still love you, and I hate myself that I still do!" my heart was beating and my body was heating up. " I'm sorry..."
"Of course you are kuroo. Just forget it, and go lay down."

He looked down walking out without a word. I wanted to cry but I couldn't let this ruin my night. I cleaned up the bathroom walk into his room "take this every 4 hours. It's painkillers" he took some. "Before I go why did you get into a fight?"

He looked away ashamed? "I saw Emma there cheating with another guy and I lost it. But You deserve way better than me, I'm sorry for all this I really am" I sighed, "ok, you have a court date in a week and you owe that bar 700 dollars in damages"

I closed his walking to the couch, deep down I felt bad for him. But it felt good, he can finally see how I felt. I grabbed the cookie jar and ice cream laying back, I was so tired.

I woke up when I felt someone carrying me. "Huh!?"
"Relax it's just me. I didn't want you sleeping on that couch" I smiled as akaashi sat me down. "Thank you" he smiled "no problem now get some rest." I laid down as he got up. But I still had something on my mind "Wait- can I ask you something?" he sat down. "Yes?" I couldn't even look him in the eyes this time. " do you think I'm pretty?"

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