The Nutcracker and the Mice

Start from the beginning

"Sorry," he said. 

"You broke it?" Rarity gasped. "Why, you little--"

"Hey, hey," Pinkie nervously giggled. "Sorry, she's a little overdramatic; it's part of the story, Rarity!"

"You're..." Clara huffed, taking back the nutcracker. "Impossible!"

"That's funny," Applejack said. "I say the same thing about Rarity."

"Wha--excuse me?" Rarity raised an eyebrow. 

"You'll have to excuse Tommy," Clara said, and everyone looked to see who she was talking to. "He didn't mean to hurt you."

Fluttershy turned and saw Clara talking to the nutcracker. 

"She's going insane," Rainbow Dash said. "That is my headcanon and I'm sticking to it."

"How do you know what that is?" Sunset asked. 

"Oh... yeah..." Rainbow Dash bit her lip. "Um... I don't know what you're talking about."

Sunset gasped. 

"How many fandoms are you in?" she said. "I know I'm not the only fangirl in our friend group!"

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash blushed with embarrassment. "I'm not... a fangirl."

"Whatever," Sunset said. "Only fangirls know what a headcanon is."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes but couldn't argue; she was a fangirl. Her first fandom being the Hunger Games.

Clara picked up a strip of fabric and started tying it around the nutcracker, fashioning a makeshift sling. She picked up the wooden soldier, and thought she saw it's eye sparkle with life for a split second.

~Time skip~

Clara was sleeping on the couch. The rest of the Equestria Girls were pretty tired as well. It had been a long night for all of them. It was about midnight, and pretty much all but Pinkie were asleep. She was eagerly waiting for a certain moment. And it was about to happen in five... four... three... two... one...

The clock chimed it's midnight toll, and that's when the movie's magic began to unfold. 

Pinkie watched as the mouse hole glowed yellow, emitting streams of yellow magic to fly around many different objects in the room, even swirling around her for a couple seconds before heading over and circling around the nutcracker, just as the mice soldiers went through the mouse hole. 

"What's happening?" Sunset rubbed her eyes, then screamed when she saw the rats. 

"Why are they in armor?" she cried, waking up the rest of the Equestria Girls. 

"I think they're pretty cute," Fluttershy said, then squealed in fright when she saw them smashing the ornaments by the ground. "Hold on, I can handle them."

She cautiously stepped up to the mice. 

"Um, excuse me?" she asked. "Do you think you could stop doing this? You know the ornaments belong to someone else."

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