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Winds carried the little boat rocking on the big ocean waves. A certain feline was standing by the prow, arms crossed and had one foot on the wooden frame of the boat. She was wearing a blue sleeveless martial suit and a long red scarf covering up to her mouth, its tails flapping in addition to the rhythm of the waves.

It's been a month since Lucky left her hometown on a super hard training journey. A whole month since she decided to leave her little simple life behind and started a real journey, facing life itself. She had picked up some new skills along the way. She had met creatures she never heard of before. She had learned about how life can vary for each creature for each place and not a single same route as in her little home. She had helped many creatures willingly. And most importantly, the journey was a sharpener perfecting Lucky herself.

And she was ultimately ready for the Doodle Championship.


"Huh? Champion Island is a whole day sail from here? I better get going."

Lucky grabbed her pack and left the house of Toko, a fawn she found lost with a sprained ankle a few days ago, not before saying thanks to his parents who let her stay overnight and sharing their little knowledge about Champion Island as a too generous way to show gratitude, in her opinion. She fixed the scarf and slightly bowed to the kind hosts one more time, then head to the village river port.

It was bright in the day, sunlight gave the sky a brilliant blue hue, made the clouds fluffy white, and reflected on the water surface as sparkling bits like a whole flow of diamonds. The village wasn't exactly big or small but the port was lively with people going back and forth because the place was close to where the river met the sea.

"Oh, you'll see more than just a busy port once you arrive at Champion Island during the Championship." Someone had told her so but she didn't quite get it. Maybe it'll be super crowded?

Lucky approached where the small boats were anchored and she was greeted by an old boatman wearing a kasa.

"Oh, greetings, Shinobi-san. How can I help you?"

"Erh... I'm not a Shinobi..." Lucky awkwardly replied.

"Really? You sure dress like one, and you also gave that kind of aura when you rescued Toko-kun." The boatman gave a warm laugh as Lucky timidly fixed her scarf and mumbled a little 'thanks'. "Anyway, is there anything you need here?

"Oh, yes. I'd like a ride to Champion Island."

"Planning to take part in the Championship there? Not a surprise." The old boatman whistled, and as if having the signal, a younger boatman quickly came to his side. "Symphony will gladly take you there."

Symphony was a petite kid wearing an oversized kasa that his face was barely visible. He led Lucky to a boat further down the port and soon they were surrounded by the salty smell of the ocean.

It was a long day sail, Lucky at some point dozed off to the soft lullabies from Symphony's flute - his one-of-a-kind self-made instrument of a hollow paddle with holes. As he sailed, the sea waves and winds went by and through the flute-paddle, creating a high-pitched, somehow nostalgic melody.

She dreamt of adventures and challenges, of new and familiar faces she would meet. It was pleasant. Napping wasn't really her thing, being a bit overenergetic, but it's refreshing to feel that sense of the inner wonderland.

Of the dreams she aimed for so close.

Soon, she would be making them her reality.


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