"So not fair," she whined.

"So is having your bed commandeered."

She winced ruefully. "Yeah, but I'm not sorry about that." Her shame vanished and was replaced by a giddy grin.

How could I stay mad at her when she'd clearly experienced a pivotal moment in her life last night? I took her hand and pulled her away, knowing Justin shouldn't be privy to this conversation. "How was it?" I urged, laying on the enthusiasm to make up for my grumpy demeanour.

Sascha actually put her fist to her mouth and bit down.

"That good, huh?" I snickered.

She shook out her arms. Definitely good then. "I just... I'm so glad we waited. I think it made everything that much more... intense." It had been two months since they first went out, and two weeks since declaring they were in a relationship. For Sascha, who usually jumped into these things without much thought, this experience must be monumental. I wondered what it felt like to build up such intensity and then be completely satisfied when it finally happened.

I listened to her gush for a little while longer, wrapping my arms around myself trying to stop the shivering. I really needed another jumper.

When Dale came over and wrapped his arms around Sascha's waist, he piqued my interest. "Sorry I stole your accommodations," he apologised with sincerity, but it quickly turned to cockiness. "Looks like you found an alternative though."

"Out of necessity," I reaffirmed. There was no other reason for my sleeping in Justin's tent.

He shook his head with amusement. "I mean, you achieved something last night that many have worked hard for but have continuously failed at." I had a protest on the tip of my tongue, but he continued before I could remind him nothing had happened between me and Justin. "Plenty have been there, but none have had the pleasure of sleeping in his bed."

What was that supposed to mean? Plenty have been there? That didn't surprise me. Justin was hot and very charismatic. I'd seen his attraction in action. But what about no one having the pleasure of sleeping in his bed? What did Dale mean? Was he speaking literally or figuratively?

I was about to ask as much when the man in question stepped up behind me. He was close, so close I could feel the physical tension building between my back and his chest, even though no part of us touched. He also smelled extra good in the morning.

Sascha visibly tried to supress her smile. Dale had no such considerations and smirked outright at his mate. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Breakfast anyone?" Justin asked, clearly picking up on the tone of our conversation.

Dale made a face at Justin and then pulled Sascha away.

When they were out of earshot, I turned to face Justin, hoping I didn't show how mortified I was currently feeling. Neither of us stepped back. "Please tell me there's coffee," I mumbled.

Justin shrugged. "No macadamia latte's today, but I do make a mean instant coffee if you're up for it," he chuckled.

"I'll take any sort of caffeine right now, as long as it's hot." It will have do. 

"Why don't you go and get changed, put a few more layers on, and I'll make you one," he offered.

I wasn't saying no to that. "Thank you," I told him, watching my feet with fake interest. It took more courage to look him directly in the eye as I said my next words. "And thanks for giving me a place to sleep last night."

He smiled his beautiful smile, the one that made girls weak at the knees. "Anytime."

I left him then to find a warmer outfit. Thankfully, Sascha and Dale had cleaned up after themselves and my bag didn't look like it had suffered any trauma overnight. I grabbed a fresh set of clothes and took them to the toilet block to change, knowing it would be easier than attempting it in the tent.

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