Varian and I were now sitting on a dock back in the city as we watched Lance row small boat with the king and queen on it. "Welcome aboard! I will be your guide on this evening of enchantment. I also accept large tips in cash or gold bullion." Lance said only to have the tip jar he was holding snatched away from him by Rapunzel. She shook her head no at him and I put a gold piece in the jar for him before waving. Lance winked at me before pulling out a guitar and started playing. I sat back down next to Varian and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"The soft glow of lanterns,'s a recipe for love." Rapunzel said and I looked up at the couple. I leaned over to whisper into Varian's ear. "We should give them some alone time." I said and he nodded before standing up and offering me a hand. "It's rather late. Could we possibly stay with you for the night, Punz?" I asked and she nodded. "Make yourselves at home." She said and I nodded.

We started walking towards the castle. "Let me guess, you have a feeling we're not done with this whole thing, do you?" Varian asked and I giggled. "Just a hunch. Besides one more day won't kill us. I planted the toadstools a few days ahead of time so there's not rush for anything." I said and he nodded. "Let's hope everything does work out. Then we can start working on those wings of yours." He said and I nodded.

We hadn't gone far before we heard yelling coming from where we had just been. Varian and I looked at each other before nodding and running back to the dock. "What happened?" I asked as I saw a large ship right next to the small row boat. I watched as someone picked Fredrick on his back and launched himself from the water and onto the dock. Eugene and Rapunzel helped Fredrick as Varian and I stared at the familiar lousy king. "We've seen him before, haven't we?" Varian asked and I nodded. "Hookfoot won the dance competition against him." I said and Varian's eyes widened. "Ooh yeah. I completely forgot about this lame excuse of a king." He said and I giggled.

"King Trevor." Rapunzel said with a glare towards him. "Princess Rapunzel! Delighted to be in your presence again." He said and I smirked. "None of us are delighted by yours." I said under my breathe and Varian laughed. We all headed back to the castle. Rapunzel was comforting her father by the fire who was wrapped up in a large blanket. Varian held a sword with both hands against Ariana who smirked down at his terrible swordsmanship.

"This will warm you right up, Dad." Rapunzel said and I watched as Varian guarded against Ariana's attacks stepping back more and more. "Sapphires, you're losing." I said with my head in my hands. "Oh, really?! I had no idea I was losing. Thank you so much for pointing that out to me!" He said sarcastically and I laughed. The door suddenly swung open revealing King Trevor.

"Oh! How is he? Has he improved? Oh, mournful day! Poor fragile Fredric had come down with the sniffles! Oh! And see how he shivers! Alack! Why must bad things happen to good people?!" Trevor said faking concern and shaking Fredrick and draping himself against the back of Fredrick's chair. "Can we kick him out yet?" I asked and Rapunzel sent me a glare and I groaned.

"If only my strong, capable arms could've shielded him from the water's chill! Here, let me." Trevor said before picking up the bowl of soup on Fredricks lap and blowing, well more like spitting, on the spoon before shoving it into his mouth. "I must compliment you on what you've done with the kingdom. It's always been a jewel, but with you in charge, it truly...shines." Trevor said hugging Fredrick.

"Ha ha...thanks." Rapunzel said before glaring at Trevor. "Alas, I wish I could stay, but I'm taking Trevor Jr. sea serpent watching tomorrow." He said and Ariana turned her attention towards the unwanted king. "Sea serpent watching? Really?" 'No, Ariana! Don't be drawn to him! He's dumb and mean!' I thought to myself. "Yes. Majestic, beautiful creatures they are." Trevor said and I rolled my eyes. "You wouldn't want to join me, would you?" Trevor asked as he approached Ariana and Varian used this as his chance to sneak away from the queen. "Would I ever? Oh, I'd love to!" She said and Rapunzel's glare became darker as she stared at Trevor's back.

"Um, excuse me, King Trevor, may I speak with a moment? In private?" Rapunzel asked leading him outside the room and I saw her raise her frying pan before a loud smack from the iron was heard. "Ooh, that's gotta hurt." I said and Varian nodded. "I'm surprised I never got hit by that." "You got very close a couple times. Especially when we came back." I said and Varian nodded. "I know! I thought she was going to imprint my face into it when she saw me with the Saporians." He said and I laughed. "(Y/n), Varian, let's go!" Rapunzel said sounding mad and we both nodded and went to her aid.

We had helped Rapunzel drag King Trevor back to her room where she tied him up with her hair. She quickly told us to hide before he woke up. "You are not fooling anyone, buster. You've come to woo my mother. Well, I've got bad news for you. There will be no wooing of any kind." Rapunzel said as she quickly ran around him before getting right up into his face. "This is a no woo zone. Not while this princess is princessing."

"It is true. Long ago, I was naive enough to think that I could woo fair Ariana. But, she remains married to Fredrick, and I respect the institution of marriage too much. Inter-kingdom law demands that I do." Trevor said and Varian and I came out from out hiding spot which was under her bed. "All right. But, we're watching you." Rapunzel said before nodding to Varian and I and we left her room to go and find ours.

"Sapphires, guess what?" I asked as I tugged on his arm slightly. "You think Trevor is up to something?" He asked and I looked up at him. "W-well yes, but that's not what I was going to say." "Oh! Well forgive me, milady, but what were you going to say?" "We're going to have another sleepover! On the Day of Hearts too! Holiday sleepover!" I whisper yelled to not wake up anyone in the castle making Varian smile down at me. "You're right. I don't think we've ever had a holiday sleepover before. It definitely calls for something special." He said and I gasped.

"Do you mean?" I asked and he nodded. "Pillow fort!" We both whisper yelled and I jumped up and down in excitement. "Let's go!" I said starting to pull his arm towards our room. Varian smirked as he tugged back on my arm making me crash into him. He laughed as he quickly threw me over his shoulder. "I can walk you know." I said as I pat his back. "I know, but this is more fun." "Not with your shoulder rearranging my organs." I said and he laughed.

"You'll be fine, you big baby." He said and I pouted. "I'm not a baby." I said and I could practically hear him smirking. "You're pouting aren't you? Just like a baby." He said and I smacked his butt...hard.

"Ow! Was that really necessary? That was my butt you know?" He said and I rolled my eyes. "WaS tHaT nEcEsSaRy?" I mocked him. "Don't make me walk slower, milady, because I will." He said and I groaned. "Also don't hit my butt or I'll hit yours." He said and I raised an eyebrow somewhat curious. I smacked his butt lighter than before and he hit mine.

"Ow! Sapphires! What the hell!" I asked and he only laughed. "I told you. You didn't listen, love." "I have no idea what you're talking about." I said crossing my arms against his back. "What? You smacked my butt again!" He said and I smirked. "I didn't touch your ass, Sapphires. Maybe you're feeling things. Maybe a ghost has the hots for you. I wouldn't blame them. I mean look at you." I said and Varian suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway we were going down.

"You think I'm hot?" He asked and I felt my cheeks heat up. "I-I n-never said th-that!" I covered my face from embarrassment and Varian only laughed. "You can be honest with me, love. We are dating after all." He said and I could practically hear the smirk on his face. "Sh-shut up." I said softly and he laughed before leaning over and placing me back onto the ground. "Let's make a pillow fort, shall we?" He asked and I nodded with a blush still on my cheeks.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now