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Deku P.O.V
We laugh and walk while holding hands, he tells me that he would walk me home but before I insisted I came to the conclusion he wouldn't budge. While holding onto his hand I decided that I wouldn't confess. I was too scared to and even tho I really wanted to tell him I just couldn't... I feel him squeeze my hand
Kacchan: hey Izu? You okay? we're here
Me: o-oh...good night then i guess..
I feel like a loser for not confessing but I had so much doubt. As I'm letting go of his hand I feel him not let go of me which causes me to look back.

Baku P.O.V
Me: wait.
I reach into my pocket and try not to cringe I pull out a rock and give it to him. He gives me a confused look as I hand him the rock until it hits him...

Me: you remember when we were kids and we had a lesson about penguins that you wouldn't shut up said that what you loved about the lesson was that when a penguin gave a rock to another and the other accepted it, it meant they felt the same meaning they liked each other...after that you got sad and started to cry and when I asked you why you said because no one had ever given you a rock and I told you that...

I look at the rock.

Me: ...that you shouldn't worry... because if nobody gave you a rock I would...

I look up at him.

Me: I promised...

He looks at me and at the rock as his eyes get watery. At this point I'm not even surprised, I kinda saw it coming. He walks to me and takes the rock.
Me: don't cry this is your second time already
Izu: I'm sorry I'm just so happy!!!
I smile and tilt his chin up and look in his eyes to see if he was okay with it and he was. I gave him a slow and passionate kiss wishing it could last forever and when we pull away for air I ask him
"Will you be mine?"

~the end~

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