Well shit.

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Baku P.O.V
"Why the hell would I do that?" I said
Round face: whoever falls in love 1st loses, don't tell me you can't do it
I laughed "who said I couldn't?"
I grabbed a hold of his hand making sure not to look at him
After than a couple of girls fan girled for a bit saying they ship it but eventually moved on to the next round. I kept drinking while holding onto deku's hand, they were warm. Soft. Comforting. Duce face made weird faces but I was so relaxed by deku's touch I didn't even yell at him. A while later deku got up said he needed some air, I left a bit sad as deku's hand kept getting farther from mine but I tried my best to not let it show

Deku P.O.V
I didn't know what was going on, kacchan was holding my hand avoiding any kind of eye contact while agreeing to Ura's challenge. Now I know why she was so needy of me going to the party-
Kiri: hey- uhh- bakubro?
Kacchan: what do you want now?
Wait- why does kavchan sound drunk-
Kiri: did I forget to tell you there's alcohol in those 20 drinks you've already drank-
Kacchan drops his drink which was now empty
Kiri: make that 21-

Baku P.O.V
"YOU BASTERD! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING!!!" My anger grew more and more as I realized the bullshit I've done tonight! Not only did I agree to date Deku for a whole month but I held his hand- AND TO THINK I LIKED IT!? THE WEIRD THOUGHTS THAT CAME OVER ME WHILE I WAS HOLDING HIS HAND-
I stopped when I left hands around my waist, somebody- deku- was hugging me from behind-
Deku: Stop it... Please...
"Sorry..." I mumbled

Deku P.O.V
Good thing everybody else left the room, why did I hug him? No idea, maybe I was drunk myself I don't know at this point
I smiled
"Did kacchan just apologize"

~time skip cuz why not~

Baku P.O.V
I was in my room on my phone when dumb hair came in my room apologizing for yesterday-

Kiri P.O.V
He forgot yesterday so I told him
"Let's just say deku has a boyfriend"

Baku P.O.V
For some reason the thought of the nerd dating someone made me feel sick and a little sad so I just tried to play it off
"Whoever that is he must be super unlucky"
Dumb hair: that's the thing...
He's laughed awkwardly
"Your his boyfriend"
It took every ounce of patience in me to not kill him right then and there I just got up an left to the nerds room.
When I knocked he didn't answer but the door was opened so I just walked in and he was asleep.
I just stood there and slowly walking closer to him
"Since when did you look so cute..."
I did NOT just say that- the nerds not 'cute'
He started moving a bit so I just sighed and ruffled his hair which as a matter a fact is softer than I thought how does he do that? Make me think of him like that? Make me feel like this?

Deku P.O.V
I thought I heard kacchans voice but I must've been dreaming my head hurts a bit but not a lot I got up to brush my teeth then go for a glass of water
Ura : Good morning deku!!
Todoroki: good morning Midoriya
Me: morning
Mina: have u talked to your boyfriend yet? 😏
Me: boyfriend?
Todoroki looked as confused as I was until it hit me-
Holy shi-

Baku P.O.V
Out of no where I hear the nerd coughing and choking on his water. Looks like it finally hit him

~end of flashback~

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