Late nights

752 14 11

Baku P.O.V
Who the hell does this nerd think I am?! OF COURSE I HEARD THAT!! 'How do you expect me not to fall for you Kacchan~' I blush at the thought. That little shit owes me big time!!! Does this mean he likes me too?- WAIT- TOO?! HUHHHH!?
He sits next to me already forgetting what he said earlier
Izu: mmmm~~ ramen!! Thanks by the way!
Me: yeah whatever...
Deku P.O.V
After a few episodes (like 5-7 30 minute long episodes) its late night which is where most confessions happen. While we were watching naruto we ended up making a bet about who goes to sleep 1st, if he loses I get to sleep on the bed while he sleeps on the floor and if not he gets to sleep on the bed
Me: omg I love naruto!!
Kacchan: really?
Me: ofc!!
Kacchan: why can't you love me as much
Kacchan pouted and I blushed he looked cute
Me: wh-what?
Kacchan: what?
He looked as if he forgot what he said
Me: are you sleepy? Or something?
Kacchan: what noooooo!!!
Me: you definitely are, especially since you always sleep early
Kacchan: hey! No! Shut up!
I laugh
Kacchan: can I use you as a pillow?
Me: sure!
While he's leaning on my shoulder I start to play with his hair, it was softer than expected
Kacchan: stop touching meeee
Me: can't, if I do your gonna go to sleep
Kacchan: Im not sleepy!
Me: so your telling me that if you lay on your bed right now for 15 minutes straight you won't fall asleep?
Kacchan: yes.
Me: okay then go I'll set the timer
Kacchan: but it's only fair if you do it too!!!
Me: fine!!!
Kacchan: fine!!

Baku P.O.V
We both end up sleeping on the bed cuz then it "wouldn't be fair" and to be honest i was sleepy, VERY SLEEPY and I'm about to go to sleep when I feel Izuku's hand on my hair again
Izu: you look so peaceful, cute.
I tried to talk but I was already falling asleep. I feel him ruffle my hair one last time before saying good night and turning to the other side to sleep. Did that really just happen? He thinks I'm cute? Not only that he even said he was falling for I falling for him? Yeah I think he's cute and I love being around him I don't want icy hot or any other basterd with him and oh no.
I think I like the nerd.
I start to dream and in the dream me and deku were dating and I was happy I liked the way he held my hand and played with my hair. The way he'd get flustered. The way he was always close. So close. TOO CLOSE- EXTREMELY CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSEE!!
*beep beep beep*
Holy- I kissed the nerd- I turned it off and noticed the nerd. HA! He slept too and I woke up meaning that he gets the floor! I win! I was about to kick him off the bed when I realize he was crying "stay...please.." I was about to wake him when he said my name "Kacchan..." he starts crying more and more so I wake him up slightly worried
Me: hey what's going on you okay?
I'm on top of him as I say this. He seemed caught off a guard, tears still coming out of the eyes. We just looked at each other, those emerald eyes, they were like giant pools of a beautiful green sea I wanted to get lost in. I felt warm inside, is this what you call butterflies? Without thinking I kissed him. His lips were soft and tasted sweet, I liked it. I liked kissing him. That's not what surprised me thought, what surprised me was that he kissed back make me want more. I bit his bottom lip wanting to deepen the kiss. We fought for dominance and of course I won. Does this mean I've fallin for the nerd already? Dam it.
We pull away both breathless
Izu: why- why'd you do that?

A/n i know this story sucks sorryyyy😭😭

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