Tinker j⨂int

7 0 0

Far from the sun-burnt man
I once knew

In the night a clock tower wakes
the people of tomorrow's story

The city comes screaming

I'm back for the next bout

I⋅⫙ b⟑⫹k f⦾𝓇 the ne⨂t b⨷⧜⊺

∘⊷≅ 𝐁⩜⪽⋭ ℷ⊚⨑ ∔∏∃⨌ n∈⨷⫣ ⫖⨂⋃⨥

Here in the tinker joint, twelve men, refashioned. Mine's next—this old body, scars and pulpy guts. All haggard parts. I'm a decimated man. We'll see what Javi can do.

— Porter

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