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SINGOPOLIS: An individual who spent 13 hours ⌚ on the run after bombing 💣 a hotel 🛌🏼 in the 👯‍♂️ Pleasure District 👯‍♀️ was arrested 👮🏿‍♂️ today after he used stolen materials 🀄 to obtain full brightness 👓 and evade the authorities. For his crimes 🙅🏻‍♂️, the bio-physical terrorist will be brought before the counsel 👩🏽‍⚖️ this Tuesday 📅.

Credited with the capture 🤝🏻 of the bio-physical terrorist is an ΔЯ̈ Electrician 😎 who was blinded 👨‍🦯 during the pursuit 🏃‍♀️. Currently the ΔЯ̈ Electrician 😎 is hospitalized 🏥 and in stable condition 👌🏾.

❗❕Authorities declined to answer further questions or comment on how bio-physical terrorist obtained the stolen materials❕❗

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