"Hey," Imogen greeted her parents happily.

From their place on the couch, Margie and Ivan turned towards the girl.

"Hey, kid!" Ivan grinned back.

Imogen scooched herself in between her parents.

Margie giggled and wrapping her arms around her baby, kissing the girl on the forehead when Imogen leaned her head on her mom's shoulder.

"Are you going to Liz's tomorrow?" Margie mumbled, running her hands through Imogen's hair.

Since everything ended, Imogen had started hanging around the Jones' house again.

It felt weird at first, yes, her mind thinking Issa was gonna come out of the house and greet her but, it never happened, but she learned to accept it.

She had been helping Liz with Broady and Rowan, babysitting when she could, helping them with summer reading, taking them swimming at the community pool, anything to help as Liz worked her ass off to provide for the family of three.

"No, Liz is off tomorrow, and she wanted to spend time with the twins," Imogen stated, her eyes on the TV that was playing General Hospital, a show her parents regularly watched when nothing else was on.

"How was your day at the mall?"

"Robin gave me this bracelet she made." Imogen blushed under the stare of her parents.

She rose wrist to show the braided bracelet made out of thread, the colors making a rainbow.

"That's sweet." Margie grinned at Immy, running her finger over the braided jewelry.

"Was your brother doing a good job?" Ivan spoke up, ignoring the look Margie sent him.

Imogen sighed, "Yes dad. He's doing a great job, and looking ridiculous while doing it."

Ivan nodded, a sense of proudness in his heart.

Yes, he was angry when Steve got denied from college, not at his boy but the people working there.

Steve may blame him for forcing him to get a job, but really without college, Ivan thought the boy would need some other experience.

Ivan loved his son, he couldn't deny it.

Ivan knew Steve somewhat hated him, thinking Ivan was an asshole, there was no hiding it.

Ivan could be a hardass sometimes but, that would never take away how proud he was of his kids, even if they couldn't see it at times.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Ivan asked, watching Imogen sit up out of her mother's embrace, his hand grasping the remote.

Imogen shook her head, "I think I'm just gonna relax, read, maybe do the letters Dr. Quinn wanted me to."

Margie nodded in understanding while Ivan kissed his daughter on the forehead.

Imogen shivered as she stepped into her room, her brows furrowing at the sudden temperature drop.

Her eyes flickered to the swaying curtain, her heart-stopping when she vividly recalled closing her window before she left.

The girl swiftly moved, closing the window, a soft thud being heard.

Taking a deep breath, she scanned the backyard, trying to see if there was anything out there.

It's okay...everything's over.

She repeated the mantra in her head and she fiddled with her necklace before going to her closet to get her pj's.

She sat on her bed, the clock now reading 10:00 pm.

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